Kaden's movements were fluid and calculated, his wolf form a testament to years of training and experience. With lightning speed, he dodged Williams' savage attacks, countering with a combination of agility and strength. His jaws snapped fiercely, aiming for Williams' vulnerable spots, while his muscles flexed with every powerful strike.

But Williams was no ordinary opponent, he was almost immortal and that would mean that Kaden's attack might be fruitless.

His claws tore into Kaden's flesh, leaving deep, painful gashes. Blood stained the ground, but Kaden refused to yield. The fire of determination burned brightly in his eyes as he fought back, his primal instincts guiding his every move.

The battle raged on, a clash of titans locked in a struggle for dominance. The room echoed with their fierce roars and the sound of their bodies colliding.

Deep down, I hoped Kaden's wolves would join in the fight but I knew it was not possible and Kaden would not allow it. He was too be king, if he could not kill Williams then all would be lost. The werewolves pack will definitely fall under Williams rule, so it was not just about protecting me his pack members, it was about saving our entire race.

The werewolves gasped and winced as the battle unfolded before our eyes. Kaden's jaws snapped with a deadly precision, aiming for Williams' vulnerable spots, while his claws raked through the air, leaving trails of sparks in their wake. Williams, driven by a malevolent rage, fought back with a ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. His every movement seemed calculated to inflict maximum pain and damage upon his opponent.

I watched with a mix of fear and admiration. The ground shook beneath the weight of their powerful blows, and the air crackled with the energy of their clash. We could all feel the raw intensity, the struggle for dominance, reverberating through our very souls.

As the battle reached its climax, it felt like the entire room held their breath in anticipation. Kaden launched a final assault, a display of unyielding strength and unwavering resolve. When Williams appeared weakened, Kaden shifted immediately wrapping his hand around Williams neck and immediately I saw a dagger fly across the room and landed into Kaden's hands with a catch, in a single blink, Kaden plunges the dagger into Williams neck, he yelled out in pain as he dropped to the floor afterwards he shifted back to his human form and I saw life leave Williams body and he went limp.

Silence descended upon the room as Williams' lifeless body slumped to the ground. Kaden stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion and triumph. The battle had been won, Williams was dead.

The werewolves erupted into cheers and applause, their voices rising in collective jubilation. They approached Kaden, hearts swelling with pride and relief, as we celebrated his victory. He had faced the darkness head-on, protecting our lives with unwavering resolve.

I was still shaken by the sight but I made my way to Kaden, my heart equally swelling with pride and relief. We locked eyes, and in that moment, I saw not just the victorious warrior, but the mate I loved more than anything in the world.

Our cheering got cut short when we heard a loud cry, we all turned to see Tamara cradling the body of her dead son as she shed bitter tears.

My heart silently weeped for her, though Williams was evil, no mother deserved to lose their child.

"You shouldn't shed a drop of tears for that monster you had sprung" the Alpha Queen spoke and immediately the room went silent, her voice still commanded respect.

"He was my son!" Tamara yelled as the tears continued.

"Yes he was and you had failed in raising him well, Evil is never born Tamara, they are simply made" The Alpha Queen spoke. She turned her gaze from her daughter to Kaden "You have done well, and you have saved us all, my mate was right to name you his heir" she added with a proud smile

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