Trackstar Antelope Volume 7

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you soon, Jamel. Stay calm, be cautious and you have nothing to be afraid of. You'll be safe here. Call me at lunchtime, and we'll talk, okay?" She says.

"Thanks Mum. I'll talk to you soon. Enjoy your day off from work, as well" I say as I get out of the car. As I see her drive off, I make my way to the group of police cars and officers, where there's a line of students patiently waiting to enter. I finally make my way to the front of the line, where I'm questioned.

"Uh... hello." I cautiously say. The policeman at the desk reaches for a green form from the far side of the desk.

"State your name, species and year level, please" The officer says bluntly.

"Uhh... My name is Jamel, I'm a Blackbuck Antelope in Year 10." I reply. The officer fills out a part of the form, then reaches into a cardboard box and pulls out a thick, black disc with some buttons on it.

"Take this to the school gym, and you'll get instructions on what to do there. Next" he says before the next student is checked in. So, it seems like I just need to go to the school gym, and they'll give me info on what will happen. Along the way, I see Tye in the schoolyard. I try to ignore him and walk along. He gets out of his seat and begins to follow me. I speed up, still ignoring him and he's still following me. What's with him? He should know that herbivores don't like to be followed, especially during these times. I'm about to break into a sprint to the gym, until I stop and think;

"On days like these, most carnivores try to avoid herbivores like me. If he were to be actually following me, he'd want to talk to me; urgently. He'd never attack me, especially if there are police officers just around the corner"

I slow down, and turn around to him.

"Jamel, wait." He calls out. "I wanted to talk to you" Since everything that has happened, the race, and the attack, I guess he's had a lot of time to think. I keep my distance from him for safe measures.

"Jamel..." he said, anxiously. He seems to be serious, because he's being cautious about the way he's talking to me. He's about two metres away from me, and looks very docile. "I've come to a realisation... this who attack has made me think about my actions; you know... how I've been behaving around you" he adds on. I think back to the things that he said. The time he bullied me for wanting to sign up, and the time he pestered me before the School Race, plus countless others.

"And I just wanted to say... well... I'm sorry for how I acted. I made you feel uncomfortable and scared. I was never good at being nice to herbivore, so I thought that if I stayed away from them, I wouldn't have to deal with them, but now... after everything that's happened... I don't want to be a monster... y'know?" he said. His head is hung low, and he's staring at the ground, I also see his tail tucked behind his legs. I'd know that canine expression from anywhere; Tye is feeling ashamed and guilty from what he's done, and he really means it.

"Tye... I forgive you. Don't worry, I understand it; there must be a big pressure for carnivores to 'act' around us. You're doing your best, and I appreciate your courage. I'm kind of relieved to talk to a canine today; my friend has been ghosting me lately" I tell him

"Who, Riley? He turned 16 this week, didn't he? That'd mean that he'd start his PIS medication." Tye states.

"PI what?" I ask him. Suddenly, I hear someone call out to me from behind.

Chapter 45: HerbiCall and the Mid-Years

It's Mr. Jarman. Oh right, I forgot I needed to go to the gym for "more information".

"Jamel, aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" He asked me as he walked over. "What are you two doing anyway?" He asks. He probably thinks that Tye is bullying me. Canines can sometimes be territorial and a bit aggressive to anything they see as a threat to their status.

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