Chapter Thirty-five: The Rescue Operation

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Victoria's bed was empty when she woke up. Only a certain person who had slowly captured her heart had left behind the dent of his body on the mattress and on part of her pillow. And, like always, she rolled into it, breathing in and falling into the memories of his presence.

She could still remember how he was so snug to her, and she could not move away as it was a single bed. Not that she wanted to move away.

And she recalled what she had told him last night.

Damn her exhaustion—and sleepy state that she could not explain.

When she reached out for her phone, she found he had left her a message—

Although I expected and prayed for a different action from you with all of my heart, I accept your decision, Ria.

Tears streamed down her face—and a smile of appreciation formed behind those transparent tears. 

He was truly a gentleman, wasn't he? Not a forceful, dominant piece of something else.

Sniffling and wiping her face, she called him on the phone. But sadly, his phone was switched off. 

She frowned and thought to call Ellie, but then her phone rang with an unknown number flashing. Even before picking it up, she could tell who it was. He was supposed to contact her this way. 

It was George. Finally, he was with valuable information about the whereabouts of Sumaia. 


"Are you sure she's in there?" Victoria asked. The afternoon sun reflected on her black, oversized sunglasses, which were supposed to cover most of her face, and it was doing its job perfectly. She had already put her phone on silent in fear its sudden ringing would make the enemy party aware of their presence. Besides, since George had contacted her, she had to put all her focus on forming a meticulous plan to rescue Sumaia. Nothing was more important—more urgent than saving someone's life.

"The intel I got from my minionessos say so," said George. "A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of my friend swore that he saw a brown girl trying to run away. She was caught by a bald guy and a muscle man, and they dragged her back into this house after beating her to unconsciousness."

Victoria's lips pressed into a thin line of fury. "Could you please do me another favor, George?"

George scratched his beard. "I can't say yes if you don't give me more details, Favoraria."

"Beat these smugglers to your heart's content if you get the chance, huh?"

George chuckled along with the twenty-something men he had brought along, each with a baseball bat in their hands. 

They were standing behind the cover of Victoria's car, which was parked a bit away off the street and behind some roadside bushy wildflowers. The hired truck these men had arrived in was parked at least a hundred feet away with the driver in it so that the large vehicle didn't come to notice. The success of the rescue operation depended hugely on the surprise element they were going to provide to Adi's teammates.

From a thorough and undercover investigation done by George, it was established that Adi was too far mingled with the selling of India's priceless artifacts to the underground people.  

The downfall of Adi was quite unbelievable. 

Family background, financial status, or standing in society cannot truly portray a person's character.

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