"Jimin, what's wrong?"

He pocketed his phone and gently patted Jimin's cheeks, trying to elicit a response.

"Dad, Dad, what's going on? Is he okay?"

Yoongi asked, his breath heavy and labored. However, all he could hear were muffled sounds from the other end. His worry reached its peak, and he immediately ordered his assistant to book a ticket back to Korea.

Mr. Kim Namjoon carefully placed Jimin inside the car, making sure he was securely fastened with his seat belt. Without wasting a moment, he sped towards the hospital in his Bugatti Veyron, covering the distance in a mere 15 minutes.

Every passing second intensified his concern for his son, but he managed to compose himself for Jimin's sake.

The car screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, and within another 10 minutes, Jimin was being examined by a doctor in the ward.

Mr. Namjoon's phone rang for the 90th time in the past half-hour, and he finally answered, only to be greeted by Yoongi's breathless voice.

"Thank goodness!"

Yoongi whispered with relief before bombarding Mr. Kim Namjoon with a barrage of questions.

"Where's Jimin? Is he alright? What happened to him? And why weren't you answering my calls, Dad?"

Yoongi asked, his words tumbling out in rapid succession.

"Jimin is in the hospital. The doctor is currently examining him. I couldn't answer your calls because I was on my way to bring him here,"

Mr. Kim Namjoon explained.


Yoongi whispered wearily, feeling emotionally distant from his husband. His mind was consumed by worry.

"Is he injured?"

Yoongi inquired.

"No, Yoongi. He was just unconscious. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Focus on your meeting and give it your best. I have faith that you'll secure the project,"

Mr. Kim Namjoon reassured him with love in his voice. Yoongi shook his head in response.

"No, Dad, I'm coming back now,"

Yoongi insisted, and Mr. Namjoon sighed.

"There's no need to rush, Yoongi. I'm here, and I'll handle everything. It's just a matter of a few hours. Finish your meeting first, and then you can come,"

Kim Namjoon urged, hoping to alleviate Yoongi's worries. Yoongi hummed, torn between his concern for Jimin and the importance of the meeting. This project had the potential to significantly change their circumstances and allow them more time together.


"Doctor, is my son alright?"

Mr. Kim Namjoon anxiously inquired as soon as the doctor emerged from Jimin's ward.

"Everything is fine, Mr. Kim. Jimin lost consciousness due to inadequate food intake, which isn't good for him or the baby,"

The doctor explained, though Mr. Namjoon didn't pay much attention to the mention of the baby.

"Is he conscious now? May I see him?"

Namjoon asked, eagerly awaiting the doctor's response.

"He's awake, and you can visit him after some time. The nurses are conducting a few tests at the moment,"

The doctor informed him, ready to leave. However, Mr. Kim's question halted her departure.

"That wasn't good for him and...?"

Mr.Kim inquired, his face reflecting his confusion.

"His baby,"

The doctor smiled, leaving
a grinning Mr. Kim Namjoon behind.


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