My Hero

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"What's with the worried face? I'm alive." Izuku smiled lazily at his father.

"How do you feel?" Shota asked.

"Like crap, but I did just get stabbed, so I think that's to be expected."

"You were also poisoned."

"Oh, yeah, but I took the knife out before he could add any more poison."

"Did he tell you what the poison did?"

"No, but I don't think the amount I had is fatal. He told me that if I had left it in then I would have died quickly. Cowards paralyzed me so I couldn't fight back when the poison didn't kill me. I can't believe I let them get me! They weren't even strong! On a normal day I could've easily kicked their asses, but I was too caught off guard by my stupid nightmare!" Izuku whined and squirmed.

"Knock it off, you're going to make your injuries worse." Shota flicked Izuku's forehead.

"It's bad manners to flick someone who's suppose to be dying."

"You did die. Right before we made it to the hospital, you stopped breathing. They had to resuscitate you."

"I let those dumbasses kill me?! Those damn idiots!" Izuku squirmed again.

"Stop." Shota grabbed the top of Izuku's head. "I thought your nightmares were getting better."

"They are. I haven't had one that bad in a while, but it still shook me up a bit. I just needed to take my mind off of it, so I took a walk. Now I'm thinking I shouldn't have."

"Dad, Izuku? What- Izuku, what the hell happened to you?" Hitoshi barged into the room with Hizashi not far behind.

"Oh, I took a walk and got attacked. Talk about a blast to the past." Izuku laughed.

"Are you in any pain?"

"Well, yeah. I did get stabbed-"

"You got stabbed?!"

"Keep your voice down, but yes, I got stabbed. Hurts like a bitch, but I'll be fine."

"Damn, I forgot to bring pain meds. I should've grabbed some for you." Hitoshi cursed. "So you're not dying?"

"Nope. The poison only paralyzed me."

"You got poisoned?" Hizashi paused fixing his hearing aids.

"I'm thinking I should stop talking." Izuku frowned.

"You look like shit." Katsuki glared as he entered the room.

"I always look fantastic." Izuku teased.

"The doctor was wrong, Izuku's going to be fine. The poison wasn't fatal." Shota told the Bakugos.

"Of course he's gonna be fine." Katsuki scoffed then turned to Izuku. "I already attended one of your damn funerals, I ain't attending another."

"My gravestone was pretty nice, though. Sweet words you guys put on there." Probably the most sincere thing he said since he woke up.

"Called Half 'n Half for no reason. You're already too cheery."

"You called Shoto?! Is he coming?!"

"I told him his boyfriend's been told he's gonna die, if he doesn't show up, I'll kick his ass."

"I look like shit! I can't let him see me like this!" His family had the nerve to laugh at him.

"Thought you looked fantastic." Hitoshi snorted.

"Izuku, what happened? Are you-" Shoto burst into the room with a worried Fuyumi behind him.

"I'm not dying, I'm fine."

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