So I'm Quirkless. Please Don't Judge! Oh, You Guys Are Cool!

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One week full of failed attempts of seeing Hizashi had passed. Izuku had been too focused on finding the loud mouth that he didn't have time to worry about his results. Something that everyone around him noticed and were thankful for it. They would even subtly encourage and keep Izuku's focus on it to keep the boy's piece of mind.

The letters were in their hands. They had gathered as a family to open their letters from UA. Each boy was nervous, but we're ready to hear the results. No point in stalling.

Hitoshi went first. A hologram of All Might popped out from it to tell Hitoshi that he passed. He was ninth in the hero exam and would be starting 1-A in the upcoming spring.

"Good job, Hito! I knew you could do it!" Izuku cheered.

"Congratulations, Hitoshi. You've worked hard for this." Shota's eyes shone with pride.

"I owe it all to you, Dad. If you hadn't trained us, I'd definitely be in the General ed  course."

"Don't sell yourself short." Shota ruffled Hitoshi's hair who scowled at the man.

"Open yours, Izuku. It's time to settle our bet." Hitoshi smirked.

"I'm about to receive 200 yen, so I don't know why your smiling like that." Izuku opened his letter and All Might popped out of his just like it did with Hitoshi.

"Congratulation, young Aizawa. You have passed to hero exam. Despite only gathering five regular points-" Izuku winced. "You have earned hidden points. You earned x points for fighting, and destroying, the zero pointer. Along with x points for saving another examinee." The hologram cut to that girl he saved talking to Present Mic.

"The boy who saved me, I don't know his name, but he had green hair and eyes, he looked kinda plain, I want him to pass. He saved me, but I heard him mumble about only having five points after he defeated the 0 pointer.

"I must have slowed him down when he saved me, so I want to give him some of my points. Please let him have my points. He should become a hero." The girl's sincerity made Izuku's heart warm.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Little Listener, but we can't transfer points. Even though he only scored five points, there were other factors he succeeded in that no one else did, so don't worry. He'll be just fine." Present Mic gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded hesitantly.

"As you can see, your actions have moved a young girl to want to give her points so you can succeed. It had moved us teachers as well. Keep up your hard work and you'll be one of the best heroes, quirk or not." Shota raised his brow. How did All Might know Izuku is quirkless?

"Of course, I respect your decision, young Aizawa, but my offer still stands. If you ever change your mind, I will be there!" The hologram died out and Izuku sat there in shock. He had made it in! He would be in class 1-A with his brother, dad, and no doubt Katsuki. Although, they were all thinking how dumb All Might was for talking about the offer on the hologram.

Hitoshi over heard the conversation between All Might and Izuku, and Shota was made aware, along with the rest of UA staff, as to why All Might was teaching at that school. However, he was surprised that All Might offered his quirk to Izuku and Izuku declined. It made him even more proud. Izuku didn't take the easy way out of  the hateful quirkist society. Even if the selfish, protective father side of him wished Izuku had. Anything to spare Izuku from the pain and hardship, and Izuku must have felt the same thing when it was offered to him, but the kid held strong. He didn't back away from his goal for the easy way out. He held strong to hopefully help other struggling quirkless kids. Shota was so proud.

"I do believe you owe me and Katsuki 20 yen." Hitoshi smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I do." Despite losing 40 yen, Izuku smiled. He would be a hero, no doubt about it.

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