For Some Odd Reason I Have A Stabbing Pain In My Abdomen. Oh, Well

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"Sparky Sparky Boom Man!" Izuku cheered.

"Ooo, I like that!" Kirishima added.

"Fits perfectly." Hitoshi snorted.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not having Sparky Sparky Boom Man as my hero name!" Katsuki growled.

"Booo!" Mina and Denki showed their displeasure about Katsuki's decision.

Katsuki growled as he went up to show his hero name Combustion Man.

"Not bad, I guess." Izuku pouted.

"Shut it. I don't see you with anything better."

"Well, I have one, it's just not the best." Izuku sighed.

Hitoshi went up with the name Hypnos. Followed by Shoto who chose to just use his first name.

"Of course Icyhot chooses something boring." Shoto looked at Katsuki before erasing his board and showing it again with the name Icyhot instead. Katsuki growled.

Izuku took a deep breath in and a deep breath out to calm his nerves before showing his hero name.

"Izuku, are you sure about this? You could be stuck with it forever." Ojiro looked concerned. Izuku looked at Katsuki's tense posture and his family and boyfriend's confusion.

"I'm sure. I was called this a lot from when I lived on the streets up until middle school. They called me this because it's similar to my name, but I can't help but wonder how many other quirkless kids were called this too or other horrible insults, so I chose this. When people are called this maybe they won't feel terrible. Maybe they'll think of a hero, instead. The Quirkless Hero: Deku." Izuku gave nervous smile before returning to his seat and mumbling to Katsuki, "It wasn't your fault."

"How wasn't it? I called you that first and sent you into a panic attack so bad they had to call your dad. Then, everyone else started calling you that because they heard me say it."

"You said it as a joke. It was just a simple friendly insult. The way we insult each other all the time. You had no way of knowing what it meant to me."

"I should have asked. I should have asked if there were any insults I shouldn't say."

"We were seven. What seven year old thinks that way? And it's not like you have control over other people. They chose to call me that. The adults chose to call me that, the kids chose to call me that, everyone who called that did so because they wanted to. You protected me. Trust me, it could have been much worse."


"So where are all of you going for your internships?" Izuku asked his table.

"I think I'll go with my father." Izuku frowned at Shoto's answer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He can help me with my fire side."

"You're going to be passive aggressive the entire time."

"Are you complaining?"

"Of course not! I love passive aggressiveness." Izuku giggled.

"He's very petty." Hitoshi agreed.

"Well how about you guys?"

"Present Mic. I never really practiced my quirk a bunch because we were focused on passing the physical portion. The portion that my quirk would be useless on."

"I'm going to Best Jeanist."

Blah blah blah. I don't have the energy for this. Izuku's going to Mirko's.

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