"It's quite beautiful Ser!" Rhaella politely smile as she began to close the box only to stop when Gweine interrupted her. "Let me!" Rhaella did not understand what he meant until he took the box from her grasp.

She felt everyone's eyes on her as the Hightower placed the necklace around her neck. "Why thank you Ser" Rhaella smile as she sat once more. "It was my pleasure!" Gwaine spoke as he left.

"Seems someone has their eyes on you princess!" Leandres laughed making Rhaella cringe. "I believe he was only being nice!"

"Well Ser Gweine is a single man, and not that much older than you sister" Rhaenyra tease making Rhaella glare at her older sister before smirking. "I believe I have not seen that Necklaces of yours before sister!" The girls attentions when on Rhaenyra as the girl blushed.

"I did have it Rhaella, you must not remember!"

"That stone is only found in Harrehal, Princess if I am not wrong!" Lyra spoke making Rhaella smirk. "It seems our future Queen has her own knight!" Rhaella tease.

"Brother sent raven back home, he ask for a stone to be sent back!" Gwendys whispered to Rhaella making Rhaella giggle.

"I wish I had a handsome knight give me such things!" Cassandra spoke her tone sad but teasing. "Lady Cassandra you are beautiful, believe me a knight will come in no time!" Laena spoke.

A knight Rhaella laughed... she ended up marrying a man thrice her age.

"What of you Alicent?" Rhaella decided to pick on the girl. "What of me?" Alicent asked her nails already working on destroying her other hand.

"Do not believe that I have not notice how mature you dress now Alicent! It seems you have set your eyes in someone and you wish to impress them!" Rhaella tease bumping the girl shoulder.

"Could it be the danish soldier? What was his name?" Rhaenyra spoke her face that of thought. "Ser Criston I believe cousin!" Laena spoke.

"Oh, I remember him! He was quite the sight!" Cassandra spoke. "He sure was, that smile so dashing!" Leandres added.

"I just simply grew out of my old gowns that is all! And father was to donate my mother dresses and I did not wish for that!" Alicent lied her eyes on the ground refusing to look anyone in the eyes.

"Alicent you are my lady! I understand that being the daughter of a second son does not make you wealthy but if you need new dresses you must not hesitate to ask me! I am your friend Alicent!" Rhaenyra's tone was soft as she took the girl hand in her own.

The embarrassment that the Hightower fell at the moment was huge she wish for the earth to open and swallow her. But to the others it was nothing but Rhaenyra being kind to her friend.

"I could only wish to have a friendship as the one of you two!" Cassandra spoke. "As do I!" Leandres added.

Before any more talking was made an announcement was made that the food was ready. Leandres and Cassandra had excused themselves leaving Rhaella and Rhaenyra with their ladies in waiting.

"Loren ask for the extra trays that I ask to be made to be distributed to the people of fleas bottom." The older girl nodded as she left them.

Rhaenyra and Rhaella gave one another a look before smiling.

They all made their way inside. Rhaenyra and Rhaella sat in the front. Their ladies sat with their families.

"A toast to my second born! Princess Rhaella!" Viserys spoke as everyone in the room cheered for the youngest Targeryan.

Rhaella smile as she bowed showing her respect for them coming for her ceremony.

It didn't take long for everyone to go back to a conversation of their own. Food was placed on the table. And as it did Rhaella spotted Loren coming back a small nod shared between the two.

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