"What did you wish to speak of?" Rhaenyra ask as they both sat down. A cup of wine already in Rhaellas hand. "This is our chance to speak with daughters, nieces, sisters of other houses! We must surround ourselves with women!" Rhaella spoke as she pour herself more wine.

"Do you know who you wish for?" Rhaenyra asked as she saw her sister's face.

"I do! I wish for Lyanna, our cousin Beatrice Arryn, and perhaps if I can get on Alìan's good side again... but I would have to fly to Dorn without anyone noticing!"

"I would like for sweet Elinda. Poor girl had to watch me die!" Rhaenyra snartle. She had a soft spot for the young girl, she had always been kind to her brave boys, her Joff had been attached to the girl. "But Leandres Lannister, Cassandra Baratheon, and at least one of each house that proclaimed loyalty to that cunt!"

The remainder of the afternoon was spent in Rhaenyra's bed chambers. The both had been called for lunch by the King. When they arrived Rhaella had been quick to go for the wine, gulping two in one go before taking a seat. The tension in the room was felt. Rhaellas's eyes wander the room as Rhaenyra made conversation with her father.

Ser Harold stood in front of Rhaella's view. A small smile in the older man as Rhaella looked at him. It is fine it seem to say.

"Rhaella, your name day is in a few weeks... I have started the preparation for your feast... It should take place in here in the keep." Rhaella nodded not speaking one bit. Viserys looked at her his hand playing with the handle of his cup.


"May you refill my cup" Rhaella spoke cutting Viserys off as one of the maids passed by her, her cup was quickly filled before she downed it in one go asking for another. "Rhaella you are a lady, you should not be drinking like a man."

"Will you not apologize to me?' Rhaella finally spoke looking at Viserys her fingers tapping on the cup of wine. "Apologies?'

"For hitting me! For taking my mother from me... For trying to take my freedom from me?" Rhaella spoke dowing another cup. "Why should I apologize? I put you in your place! You were disrespecting me Your father! Your King!" Viserys shouted slamming his hand on the table making Rhaella flinch.

Her hands moved "I was protecting myself! All you have done is take things that I held dear to my heart! You took them away from me! My pups, my poor Aly she did no wrong she was a sweet child and you married her off to that heartless cunt son of yours... My poor babe, she was sweet, happy, careless and you took her away from me! She did not deserve the same death as my mother."

Viserys had taken a step back from her, his daughter seem to age right in front of him. Her eyes aged by years, he saw sorrow, pain. Something he should not see in a child of 14. The light she held moments ago was gone as if it had never been there in the first place. "What do you speak of?"

Viserys turn towards Rhaenyra who already made her way to her sister's side, the same hunted look on her face too as she held her youngest sister. "You took them from me" Rhaellas wale as she held into her sister. Ser Harrold by Rhaellas side in moments his arms snaking around the girl before lifting her.

He looked down to see Rhaella cry into his armor. Rhaenyra could not help but turn. "For once, just for once! Be her father!" Rhaenyra shouted following Ser Harold out.

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