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(Asked you guys some questions at the end🧡 don't be shy you can answer them)

"Yes, it's really beautiful."

We arrived 20 minutes ago and decided that we should look around the mall maybe shopping before we would buy the tv and a new window.

I was looking around the shop searching for some new clothes or accessories while Chan was at a different store but he told me that he'll be gone for only a few minutes and then come back right away.

Knowing that Chan would be gone for at least 10 minutes, I got a plain white shirt and payed for it.
With the paper bag from the store in my hand I rushed to the store next to the one I was in before making sure Chan wasn't anywhere near.

I sighed out of relief when I was in the store looking around it.
My mouth hung open at the sight in front of me but what did I expect from a shop called Erotic bunny?

I wasn't looking for something specific, I just wanted to look around since I got a bit curious and to be honest I feel a bit lonely sometimes.

I haven't jerked off for almost 2 months and it gets boring after a few times so maybe looking around the store could help me.

There were sections for lingeries for women and men next to it were a few vibrators and dildos.
I gulped my saliva down feeling exposed while being in this store.

Walking further back my eyes got hooked up with something so I walked over to the section were they had different types of hairpins, chokers, whip's and plugs with a tail sticking out of it.

I grabbed the hairpin touching the fake fur which replaced a cat her ears.
The fur was dark brown exactly like my hair color and next to the hairpin there was a perfectly fitted choker with a tiny bell on it.

With the hairpin and choker still in my hand I moved closer to the plug with the tail.
"Wow" I whispered while I touched the tail feeling how soft the fur was.
The tail had a dark brown color and the plug shone silver.

"I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff."
I turned around and screamed.
"What the fuck?!"

"Calm down everyone is looking at us."
Chan tried shushing me down which eventually worked.

"I also didn't knew that you could look this innocent while holding this."
He looked at my hands with a smirk and only then I hastily put the hairpin, choker and plug back.

"I was only looking around, ok?! And the fur was looking soft."
His smirk grew wider and I looked at him.
He was holding a bottle of lube and a pack of condoms.

"You know you didn't had to put the stuff back."
He said looking at the hairpins, chokers and plugs behind me.
"If you don't fell comfortable I can go away so you can buy them."

My face grew red and I hit Chan his arm to which the  pack of condoms fell on the floor.
I picked it up.
XL condoms? Seriously?
I gave it back to Chan with a scoff.

"For your information I didn't wanted to buy anything I was just curious."

"About the plug?"

"Stop turning my words around!"

Chan giggled and walked off to pay for his items while I went out the shop with my shopping bag from earlier.

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