Chapter Twenty

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"I need you to tell me what you saw," Grindelwald repeated calmly, but there was a firm edge to his town.

Grey swallowed thickly. He didn't want to betray Dumbledore, especially as what he had seen was so personal. What if Grindelwald tried to capture Dumbledore's son, whoever he was, and use him against him?


This time there was warning in the wizard's words. 

Hopelessly, Grey sighed, tapping the side of his head. Grindelwald seemed to understand him, pulling out his wand and pressing it to Grey's temple. A shiver went down his spine at the sensation of him extracting the memory. 

He expected the man to place it into a crystal vial, but Grindelwald had other ideas. Grey's face screwed up in shock as the wizard inhaled the silvery blue strings of memory. For a moment, his eyes went milky white. Then he gasped, blinked, then they returned to normal. 

A bitter smile twisted on his lips. 

"So soon, he will finally know," He muttered darkly. 

Grey didn't question him, settling to presume that he meant about Dumbledore's son.   

"Thank you, Grey," Grindelwald added, offering him a hand. 

Grey reluctantly took it, his legs still shaky from the vision. 

"Let's get you downstairs."

Grey followed obediently, unnerved by the displeasure on Grindelwald's face. They descended the spiral staircase silently. Once at the bottom, Grindelwald called for Queenie and a few moments later the witch appeared in the corridor. 

"Please see to Grey, I need to attend to something." He ordered.

Grey watched him depart, dreading what he was off to do. Queenie smiled warmly at him, wrapping a gentle arm around his shoulders.

"We'll get you some food honey, that vision really took it out of you," She crooned. 

Grey let her lead him downstairs as he trudged along tiredly. Queenie took him into a large kitchen, forcing him into a chair by the fire. It was only as he was enveloped by the heat that Grey realised just how cold he'd been. Meanwhile, Queenie totted about the kitchen, putting him together a plate of food and chattering.

"I was right worried about you after this morning, and then when you weren't at lunch," She made a little noise of discontent.

Grey couldn't understand how she could be so nice to him after knowing him for such a short amount of time. 

"Of course, I knew Mr Grindelwald would look after you, but honestly, he could have reassured us that you were ok," She ranted.

With a small smile, she handed him the plate of food, which Grey gratefully began to eat. He made sure to thank her before he started though.

"Oh, you're quite welcome sugar," She bubbled, drawing a chair to sit beside him, "You're just as polite as he is."

Grey paused in confusion. 

"As who?" He asked.

Queenie giggled, "As Mr Grindelwald of course, you've got his hair too."

He tried to fathom the connection she was making when her face fell momentarily as if she'd realised something. But it quickly returned to her normal wide smile.

"Oh, just ignore me," She chattered on, "I like to make strange, unrelated connections to pass the time."

But Grey kept his face blank at her words.

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