Chapter Twenty-Six

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TW - Mentions of self-harm. 


Diagon Ally was surprisingly empty. Though Grey had never been to the magical street during term time, he had expected it to still be the hub of chaos that it was during the holidays. 

To be honest, he was thankful for the lack of patrons. It was easier to appreciate the bright shop signs and laden windows with the nagging fear to check over his shoulder, diminished ever so slightly.  

Grey had already tried to stall the trips. The summer term had begun five years ago and though he was content with his off-timetable study routine, the looming prospect of practical O.W.Ls exams demanded that he got another wand. But the idea of returning to mainstream school life grew more unnerving by the day. Grey's mind was plagued with anxieties: what if everyone asked about his time away? What if there were more of Grindelwald's spies in the castle? And so on. 

Once he'd been released from the hospital wing, Grey spent his time studying or catching up on assignments in Albus' office. With Twyla curled up by his feet, he drowned himself in work to keep his mind from other things. During free periods and between classes, Professor Dumbledore kept him company.

Grey was surprised that he found the man's presence comforting. They talked a lot more than he expected, about Grey's childhood and Albus' life. He had agreed to call his father by his first name for now, until he felt comfortable enough in their relationship. In their conversations, he had little energy to be deceptive because nothing could hurt more than what he was trying to distract himself from. 

Nights were the worst. Grey's sleep was filled with nightmares of the last month, so potent that he'd frequently wake, suffocating in the aching despair. He itched to alleviate his pent-up emotions, but nothing grounded him as well as the results of a burning wand tip. 

Thus, as the weekend came, the topic of Diagon Ally was raised. Grey tried to argue that his workload was too great to temporarily abandon. But Albus insisted, rightly so, that he could not complete his wizarding tuition without a wand. 

So, accompanied by Albus and his uncle, Grey found himself in the quiet alleyway, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that Grindelwald was lurking in every shadow. He stayed close to his escorts as they crossed the street to Ollivander's shop. His steps were uneven as he frequently paused to glance behind them. Aberfoth must have noticed because he watched the Ravenclaw with an expression of concern. 

"I'll stay outside the door," He stated as they reached the shop front. 

Grey sent him a grateful look, understanding the unspoken intention behind the action. Albus patted his brother's arm in thanks. It was amusing to see the distaste on the younger Dumbledore's face at the gesture. 

The tinkle of the bell conducted Grey's nerves into a frenzy as they entered. Ceiling high shelves on all sides, crammed with wands, gave Ollivanders a very cramped feel. Grey was sure the shop had been bigger the last time he came. But now, he felt that if he breathed too loud, the contents of the laden shelves would come tumbling down upon him like a jagged avalanche. He lingered too long by the door. The familiar sensation of Albus' guiding hand on his shoulder urged him forward. 

From the back of the shop, a voice sounded. 

"One moment!" It called.

Grey recognised the croaking tones of Gervaise Ollivander, the elderly shop owner. 

"Garrick, bring the ledger." The voice sounded again. 

Not a moment later, the old wandmaker bustled to the front desk with a warm grin on his face. In his maroon robes, golden spectacles that magnified his eyes and grey beard draped over a shoulder, Mr Ollivander was hardly a threatening sight. Grey relaxed. 

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