Chapter Four

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Grey spent the next few weeks much more subdued than usual. He worked extra hard in his classes, ignored the varying looks of concern, disappointment, and hatred from the people around him, and most of all, he kept to himself whenever a migraine surfaced.

Thankfully, there had been no other strange visions, so Grey was able to convince himself there truly was nothing going on. The only people he let himself relax around remained to be Richard and Derric. Grey truly treasured the time they spent together. He was sure they were suspicious of his behavior over the last few weeks but Grey had a wonderful talent for lying and changing the subject. Maybe he didn't want to worry them, or maybe he was just selfish. Grey often wondered where his intentions lay on that scale.

A month and a half since the beginning of term, the first frosts befell the castle. As the forbidden forest was brushed with fading bronze, the excitement of the quidditch season hung in the air. The first match, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor was to be held the next weekend and it was all Derric could talk about. Grey and Richard had to assure him many times that they would be supporting Hufflepuff and yes, they'd go to the match with him. It was sweet and Grey was pleased that Richard had finally met his match in quidditch enthusiasm.

The Friday before the match, Grey and Richard were strolling to lunch from potions, looking forward to more quidditch facts from their Hufflepuff friend. However, Derric was nowhere to be found in the great hall. Both boys took their seats and waited for his arrival. Grey began picking at his sandwich when Richard smacked his forehead to get his attention.

"Isn't that Derric's classmate?" He asked, pointing to a Hufflepuff that had entered.

Grey frowned, nodding.

"Where's Derric then?"

"I'll go ask," Grey suggested.

His heart warmed as Richard sent him a grateful smile. Rising from his seat, Grey scanned the great hall one last time before making his way over to the Hufflepuff girl.

"Excuse me." He began with a polite smile, "Are you in Derric Diggory's class?"

The girl glanced over at the staring form of Richard and then back to Grey, recognition in her hazel eyes.

"Yeah, why?" She asked hastily.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Sulking near the lake I think." She shrugged, hurrying over to her friends.

Grey's brows furrowed. Why would Derric miss lunch to be at the lake? He hated the cold and loved food. Perplexed, he stalked back over to his friend.

"She says he's by the lake," Grey mumbled, not bothering to sit down.

"I wonder why?" Richard pondered, taking a swig of his drink.

Grey grabbed his sandwich and shouldered his bag.

"Dunno," He shrugged, "I'll go find him."

"Want me to come?"

Grey shook his head and exited the hall. A nervous feeling was settling in his stomach. Somehow, he knew something was wrong with Derric and he didn't want Richard to fuss.

Leaving the castle, Grey drew his cloak tighter around himself. The sky was overcast and a chilly breeze bent the grass towards the lake. He sped up, hoping his haste would help to warm him, all the while trying not to catastrophize the situation.

His heart leapt when he noticed a familiar figure perched on a rock by the shore of the lake. Hurrying over, Grey sat down beside his friend. Derric was shivering but his expression was blank as he stared out across the rippling water.

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