As they charged down the winding country road early that morning, Tom asked, "Are you sure you don't want to wait until the changing ceremony? What if he is responsible and finds a way to stop you becoming an angel again."

Ezra slowed his march, stopping by a gate to famer Joel's sheep field. "That is a good point. I'm acting before thinking." Ezra sighed heavily. "I just hate how this is upsetting you. You're exhausted, and troubled. I can tell that the dream affected you."

Tom leaned into him, enjoying the morning sun on the side of his face. "I like that you care so much, but I think we should really take the time to do this right. Let's see our options. Maybe talk to the other demons and hear what they have to say. I know they already suspect the dreams are linked to the angels."

"Let's do it soon. Meet them at the top of the hill while it's still early enough not to cause suspicion."

Tom agreed, but asked, "Can we bring Cal too? I'm worried about him after everything that's happening with Harper."

"Of course," Ezra said, nodding. "I like him."

Tom beamed wide. Cal would always be his best friend, no matter what Ezra thought of him, but he was pleased that they got along well. He called him on the way to the hill. Cal was confused, and exhausted too, but he met them shortly after they had settled under a tree at the highest point.

Tom was focused on the angry looking storm in the distance when Cal arrived with three coffees. He plopped himself in front of them on the grass with a tired smile.

"So," he said, stifling a yawn. "What's going on?"

Tom did his best to keep Cal up to date with everything that had gone on. Cal listened carefully, nodding when he needed to, but didn't interrupt until Tom had brought him up to date with all their theories and ideas.

"Wow," Cal said after a while of sipping his coffee in silence. "I had a bad dream last night too. Othrowan, the slimy little . . . Hm, I probably shouldn't talk too badly about an angel. But I'm sure you can guess what I'm thinking."

Tom scoffed. "The other demons will be here soon."

Kie was first to arrive. His curls had been tied up, and his deep-set eyes bore into Cal with surprise. "Who's this?" he asked.

"Someone else you can trust," Tom reassured.

Cal introduced himself and sat on the other side of Ezra when more demons arrived, naturally wary about the new stranger. He introduced himself over and over, and Tom justified their friendship until everyone was comfortable.

"Why have you arranged a meeting this morning?" Kie asked.

"Tom had severe nightmares last night. I think Othrowan is responsible," Ezra said bluntly. "Something has to be done."

"Do you think it's Othrowan alone, or all the angels?"

"I don't always have nightmares, though." Tom crossed his legs and absentmindedly tugged at the grass by his feet. "I don't understand how this could work."

"There was a choir practice last night," another demon said. "I heard it almost three miles away. It made me want to smash something up."

"Why does it make you so angry?" Tom asked.

The demon shrugged. "It just does."

"It has to be that. The choir has to be making dreams bad, and demons more temperamental."

"Our trusted source has been researching angel choirs. Almost every village, town, and city have choirs now, sung primarily by the angels," Kie said.

"And they all practice frequently?"

Kie nodded. "Well, they do now."

"And when did you find this out?" Ezra asked with a sharpness to his tone.

"Last night."

"And you didn't think to tell Tom when you were lingering outside the pub?"

Kie's eyes narrowed. "Your anger is pointing in the wrong direction. I was waiting for the source to give us more information, which they did this morning."

"Who is your source?" Cal asked.

"They won't tell us," Tom said. "But anyway, how do we prove it's the choir, and how do we stop it?"

Everyone looked at each other, shrugging or shaking their heads. The silence was a clear indication that they weren't ready to start yelling at the angels about something they could easily deny.

"We plant the seed of doubt. After what happened with Ezra, the locals are already losing their respect for Othrowan," Kie said.

"And how do we do that?"

"Well, with what this village does best," Kie said with a grin, showing his missing tooth. "Gossip."

"I can gossip with the locals, no problem," Cal said proudly.

"Good," Kie said, nodded approvingly towards him. "Just small stuff, like how you dream bad things when you hear the angels choir. Do it carefully. Maybe only you start with the gossip. You can't all suddenly have something bad to say about the angels. It'll look suspicious."

"Don't worry," Cal said with a determined twinkly to his tired eyes. "I know exactly who to start with."

"Looks like you have something to buy in the butchers shop then," Tom said, sharing a knowing glance with his best friend.

"Looks like meat is on the menu for my dinner tonight." Cal checked his watched, then rubbed his hands together. "Perfect timing. I'll be the first customer of the day." He got up and marched down the hill.

Ezra looked as puzzled as everyone else. "Gullible Gren," Tom said. "He works in the butchers, and he can't keep anything to himself."

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