"Your father is a murder and a thief. And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. Your nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man" we start to get surrounded by frost giants and Loki and I look at each other worried.

"This boy has grown tired of your mockery" all the frost giants make ice spears around their hands, Loki and I cautiously walk over to Thor's side.

"Thor, stop and think. Look around you. We are outnumbered" Loki whispers to him.

"Know your place, brother" Thor tells him, making me glare, but before I could say anything Laufey spoke again.

"You know not what your actions would unleash, I do. Go now while I still allow it" he starts walking towards us.

"We will accept your most gracious offer" Loki agrees, Thor huffs.

"Come on, Thor" I turn around with Loki and we both start walking away.

"Run back home, little princess" Loki and I both stop in our tracks knowing he didn't say that to me.

"Damn" Loki and I say, we turn around right as Thor hits the giant with his hammer. All the frost giants start running at us, Thor hits them with Mjolnir and we all get out our weapons. I run at the giants with my swords and start attacking them.

"At least make it a challenge for me!" Thor yells. More frost giants run at us, I start to get surrounded but keep fighting.

"Dont let them touch you!" Volstagg warns, right as he yells a frost giant grabs my arm. I scream on the top of my lunges out in pain and all the frost giants get lurched always from me and die, I fight more giants that were surrounding the others only using my right arm that didnt get touched.

"Since when could she do that?!" Sif yells out.

I send out super loud banging noises to burst the ear drums of the frost giants and the surrounding ones all fell to the ground yelling with their ears bleeding. I hear Fandral scream out and I turn to see him being impaled by ice spikes, Loki and I both throw a dagger at the frost giant in front of him, killing it.

"Thor, we must go!" Loki yells at Thor, Volstagg and Hogun start pulling Fandral off the ice spikes.

"Then go!" He yells back, we hear the ground-breaking and see a huge beast thing breaking out of the ice.

"Run!" Volstagg yells heaving Fandral over his shoulders, we all start running back to where the Bifrost left us, both Loki and I yelling at Thor to follow. The beast starts chasing after us and we run as fast as we could towards the cliff. I feel Thor summon his lighting killing more frost giants but destroying the ground. Once we reach the cliff we stop and call out to Heimdall, I see the beasts paw thing grab hold of the floor from under the cliff and reveals himself in front up us, I push my way to the front of the group

"Do you think we can sort this out and you leave us along?" I ask sweetly but it just growls at me and stands on its back legs, I hear everyones breathing get heavier and Lokis footsteps coming slowly towards me "Alright" I scream forcing it backwards with the sonic waves and a forcefield wall pushing it, Thor flies over to us and flies through its mouth killing it, I push the body over the edge of the cliff. We all turn around and see hundreds more frost giants walking towards us, they start running at us when the Bifrost opens next to us, with father on his 8-legged horse.

"Father. We'll finish them together!" Thor yells at him, I walk over to Loki, cradling my left arm and half hiding behind him, looking around.

"Silence" Father hisses at Thor, Laufey rises in front of Father.

"Allfather" He greets "You look weary"

"Laufey. End this now" Father tells him swaying slightly.

"Your boy sought this out"

"You're right. These are the actions of a boy treat them as such. You and I can stop this before there's further bloodshed"

"We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for: war and death"

"So be it" Laufey goes to attack Father with an ice speer when we're sucked back up into the Bifrost sending him backwards.

"Why did you bring us back?!" Thor yells when we got back to Asgard.

"Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin scolds, taking Heimdalls sword out of the panel and throwing it to him.

"I was protecting my home"

"You cannot protect your friends, your sister. How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Father turns to the others "Get him the healing room!" he orders, Sif, Hogun and Volstagg help get Fandral out of the observatory. I stand next to Loki as he cheeks my arm making me wince.

"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act! The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they feared you"

"That's pride and vanity talking not leadership. Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? What of a warrior's practice?"

"While you wait and be patient, the nine realms laugh at us! The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!"

"You're a vain! Greedy! Cruel boy!"

"And you are an old man and a fool!"

"Yes I was a fool to think you were ready" Father says calmly, Loki takes a step forwards.

"Father..." Father points at him growling, to make him stop talking, he takes a step back to me and I grab his hand with my good arm.

"Thor Odinson... you have disobeyed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horrors off war!" Father plunges Gugnir into the panel and the Bifrost starts turning on behind Thor, Loki and I tightens our grip on each other's hand "You are unworthy of this realm" He rips a disc off of Thor's chest plate "Unworthy of your title" he rips Thor's cape off "Unworthy... of the loved ones you've betrayed" Loki and I glance horrified at each other and I have tears start pooling in my eyes as I keep watching "I hereby take from you your powers" Father summons Mjolnir into his hand out of Thor's "In the name of my father" Thor's arm armour starts crumbling off "and of his father before" the rest of his armour crumbles off "I, Odin, Allfather. Cast you out!" he uses Mjolnir's powers to push Thor into the Bifrost, I start running towards the Bifrost.

"THOR!" I scream, Loki wraps his arms around me from behind pinning my arms to my sides carefully as I start breaking down, I look back at Father as was whispering to Mjolnir.

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor" He hurls the hammer into the Bifrost, my knees buckle and I fall down tears streaming my face, Loki kneels next to me and hugs me tightly. Father walks out leaving Loki and I on the ground knowing there was no point trying to argue with me for disobeying his orders.

The Goddess of Music and Sound (Ongoing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin