Chaper 4 phase 1

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Yo!! Hey guys, I've been rewatching Harry Potter for a few days now, sorry for my absence.

Lol, but it was Technoblade's death day.

Fly high king. o7

Time; 15:36 June


It had been 4 months now. Phase 1 of Wilbur's plan.

In this two months left they're plan must commence, Nikki and fundy had found very good information about Dream, as for Tommy and Tubbo. It was there time to shine, right after they would send the letter.

Wilbur smirked as he saw that no one was in dream's office, he took the note and he was nodded off from his friends and he went to the door and opened.

He quickly slipped a note onto dream's desk and walking away quickly, Tommy saw from across the hall that he's out and Wilbur started to walk over them.

"Was anyone there?" Tommy asked as he patted him on the back.

"Nope! Now guys, we have a free period later, I want all of you guys to avoid any of them. You don't go near them." Wilbur said.

Everyone nodded and started to walk off to their classes. As Wilbur sighed in relief, he walked into someone. It was Nikki.

"That goes for you too Wilbur." Nikki smirked crossing her arms.

"What?" Wilbur asked he's face heating up.

Nikki chuckled, "that goes for you too, you went to talk to George."

"Nikki, that was an accident. Technically he came to me." Wilbur crossed his arms.

Nikki smiled, "in my opinion it was nice that you two got along. But we're not angry that you talked to George, we're not even angry. We don't want Dream on our case so early. We have no hate towards George but remember he is the vice president. He has power, as much power as Dream." Nikki said sounding concern.

Wilbur looked down on the floor sighing. "But still, George isn't a bad person. If you've noticed, George kinda acts like it. But maybe he's doing it for personal reasons. Maybe you two could actually be friends." Nikki smiled, wilbur just went on thinking.

"And, it's cute to see you blush." Nikki laughed as Wilbur's face heat up again and he started freaking out.

They both laughed together, soon after they went to class.


"So how was yesterday for you, I wasn't there cause work was kinda busy and teachers needed me." Dream asked to George as they walked to their office after their class.

"Oh it was fine. I just played some chess and did my work. Nothing really special." George technically didn't lie, he just didn't say someone's name.

"Oh and with who?" Dream smiled.

"Uh- just- just I forgot their name." George tried playing it cool.

Dream thought it was strange how George was acting "Did you win at least."

George snickerd. "Yeah he didn't have a chance, I beat him so easily!"

They started to talk, and as they walked into the office, they immediately saw Sapnap with a horrid expression, holding a note.

"Sapnap? What's wrong?" Dream asked as he put down his bag and went to Sapnap. Sapnap handed him the note and he's eyes widened.

"Someone's going against us." Dram spoke making George and other gasp around the room.

"Who?" Karl asked taking the note, he's eyes widening aswell.

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