Chaper 3 chess

101 6 4

Yooo guess who's back?? Back again?? CHEESESOOTS BACK, BAKC AGAIN!! -Eminem

Anywhooo, this chapter is a handful ig.

Time; 19:22 June 27th 2023


It had been 2 months of dating Dream and George was having the best time of his life. He would get kisses on the cheeks and cuddles on the weekend they did everything together. George felt like he could forget all his problems with him, like they didn't exist.

But for Wilbur and his revolution was growing stronger by the second, their plans had changed and gotten better and better. They were really close, to their plan. they decided that they should change the timing of their plan, and they've divided as phases.

Phase 1: The note.

Phase 2: The unannounced speech.

Phase 3: Posters go up.

Phase: 4: make sure everyone likes them.

Phase 5; win.

It was as simple as they made it to be at all, they were needed to be smart, needed to act smart. Their plan was meant to be swift and keen. Wilbur had to be a good leader. He closed his locker, he turned around to see that he has a free period. He smiled faintly and went to the library, as he brushed threw the book covers and looking on what he should read he went wondering, wondering into his thoughts to distract himself.

As he went thew the book shelves, he's thoughts drifted to George. He was thinking of how he is, just a day ago he saw his grades going a bit lower then the average he got. He would normally see him third in the board for their grades, obviously it was Technoblade on top and wilbur as second but George was always as smart. But he had seen him go to a third to a sixth. It made him wonder what was keeping him so busy?

He also went back to old memories about George. Remember how he was always attentive, even if he was a quiet person in school and never really talked to anyone, he was still admired by women and a bit by men. Wilbur never really thought of it, he always just looked upon George, he didn't think about the others worth or who he really was. He didn't even notice of how he looked.

He only now took accountability to remembering George's jawline, how he would change his hair every few months or so. How he curled his lip when he concentrated enough.
If he had only seen how he smiled when he blushed.

He's walking came to stop as he bumped into a shelf. He came to a realized and he felt his face heat up. He didn't expect himself to be distracted over someone... especially George.

He sighed and looked at the book he was still pointing at. It said,
"Book of love." He groaned softly.

"Comedic timing." He muttered, he left that section of the library and went to the main one, the study section.

As he walked, he's mind travelled back to George- and his grades. He wondered why they were going so low. He then wondered on Dream. He and George was dating, maybe that explains it. He really didn't enjoy Dream. Dream had been president since freshman, how does that work? Yes he was a great leader, and yes he was a great asset to everyone, but he started to use that power, take advantage.

Wilbur and Tommy noticed and soon their friend group notcied aswell and that's when they started, they started their plan.

Wilbur sat by the chess board. He sighed sitting by the black side of the board, he twiddled with the pawns. He moved a pawn up, and suddenly as he leaned back into the chair thinking more, he held his cheek. The white pawn moved and he's eyes moved up and look at who was there.

Secrets In Peach soda (Georgebur)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα