Chapter 2, starlights

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How do you guys feel about my cousin, Blue cheese???

Time: 19:54 June 26th


"So when are we gonna take them down." Tommy asked to his brother Wilbur.

"Yeah what's the plan?" Tubbo asked aswell.

Wilbur and his friends strongly disliked the president. They hated how prim and proper they were, or they acted to be. Wilbur could see right threw them and decided that after summer break, they would start working. Work hard to overthrow the government.

"The plan, isn't simple, but it's doable. Now, Eret and Ranboo. You guys will be doing the posters, Nikki, when fundy gets here I want you guys to helo get any information by them,  anything you can kind of get, so we can use that against them. Tommy and Tubbo, you guys spread the word. And me, I'll be making sure they don't get in our way." Wilbur said and everyone nodded.

"And remember guys this is plan must happen in the month where the the people must vote." Eret reminded.

"So that gives us...6 months." Ranboo calculated.

"Exactly!" Wilbur said.

As they talked on, Wilbur spotted George again, George was smiling as dream had a smile on too as they walked together. Wilburs eyebrow went up and Nikki had a smirk on her face.

"Guess we have somethimg to use against." Nikki smiled as Wilbur nodded with a smirk.


For the rest of the week, dream introduced new people to George. Quackity, a cocky boy with golden wings, he's a duck hybrid. Whilst also meeting an elemental one, a fiery completion, Sapnap. a bit of a demon hybrid, maybe cause of his older brother, Badboyhalo.

Badboyhalo treats his brother like it's his son, it's cute but Sapnap seems to really find it annoying, but secretly he loves the attention. Then it was a crystal boy, he had black hair with the tips blue and he's skin had a few crystals growing out of him, George guessd his favorite color is blue.

It was also noticeable of how he longed off to Badboyhalo a few times but Quackity, flirting with everyone, Skeppy got a bit jealous in a few times.

Then it was a women, a beautiful sweetheart named Tina. Then it was Karl, a wizard hybrid (?) He didn't have a hat and stuff but it was true he was a wizard, intraining. George didn't know he would meet new people, and be so fond to them. He's always been a loner but now that he has new friends he feels much better with himself, even if it's only been a couple days, time goes fast when your having fun.


it was finally Friday, Dream and George's date. George was blushing hard when he saw the time, It was 6pm and George was dressed, as he played around with hair, he heard knocking on the door, as he opened the door, he saw Dream, Dream with a smile on he's face.

George's whole face went up, "hi" he greeted.

"I didn't know you were rich." Dream complemented as George went outside, seeing dream's car.

"Well- I'm not rich, my mother and father works hard." George showed sass.

"Oooh, sassy now?" Dream teased him.

George rolled his eyes playfully, "don't expect less." He scoffed as dream wheezed.

George was no confused but he also loved his laugh, it was wacky and goofy, he smiled and started to laugh aswell.

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