chaper 1. first day for Vice president

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Yo! I'm back with another story to tell!!! Glad in back!! :D

Just to clarify, you will be good threw the life story of George (In a way) so, we start by the beginning.

Warning: dnf

Time: 22:44 Jun 22 2023.

George, a mushroom boy. He was raised by his mother and father, rich and pure. Humble you could say, but he was the only child and he was meant to be someone he's not.

A person he didn't really want to be. He was popular in school from day one with the face of his. But not just his face, his money, his parents, the person he didn't want to be.

He sighed getting out of bed, and started to wear the stuff that he was supposedly meant to wear in order to be with his new friend at school. Dream, it had only been 2 years of highschool and only now, Dream, the most popular and powerful person in school noticed him.

He only noticed him on the last day of school and he was asked to be joined in the presidential life and be one of the many candidates. He agreed, immediately. He thought his mother would be proud..

It was first day of school, he got dressed ready for the day. He looked in the mirror got and smkrked at himself. He knew what was he going to need to face in order to let no one find his secret.


As time went on, George got to school. He was greeted with hellos and hi's but girls and boys, he smiled back and obviously greeted them.

As he walked threw the halls, he finally got it his locker and opened it. As he put stuff in and took some books out he closed it and he was instantly frightened by the unexpected Dream.

"Oh uh- hi Dream." George smiled at him, finding his appearance a delight.

"Hey lovely, long time not see~." Dream flirted as George scoffed, smiling.

"Don't call me lovely." George picked up his bag.

"But George you are. And George I'd like to speak to you about something." Dreams voice Changed but no even so, he's grin still stayed the same.

George's however, he's expression came in curiosity and nodded to his friend and they started walking into an empty classroom, but really it was Dreams "office" where all his team was normally.

"So what's this thing you want to talk about?" George asked as they were finally in the room.

"George.. I want you to be my assistant." Dream started as he looked down at George.

"Like...vice president or like an assistant-" George tried understanding.

"Vice president. I want you by my side, I want you to be near me.. at all times. I think you'll be a great candidate for the job." Dream smiled at George.

George's eyes widened, "we-well tha-thsts a big proposition-"

"Please.." Dream pleded as he gotten closer  to George, "will you do it..?" George stepped back but Dream's touch, still lingered onto his cheek.

George face heated at the touch, something his not use too but also maybe was it that Dream was incredibly attractive to him.

"Yes, I'll be your vice president." George nodded his head.

Dream smiled and came closer to George. "thank you.." dream said faintly, "would you like to go out sometime?" Dream asked, removing his hand and taking a big step back looking at papers that was set on the table next to them.

George was confused on why he moved away so quickly, "uh- yeah, I uh- have time." George ruffled his own hair.

"Great, when are you free?" Dream asked.

"Well maybe on friday?" George suggested.

"Great, I have nothing planned on that day. So I'll see you then." Dream said with a light chuckle.

"Uh- when do I start, or how does this vice president thing work?" George asked a simple question.

Already, in this time of talking to one another, Dream had been sat down by his table for the pass minute or so. He's feet was in the desk as he layed back in his chair.

"Well as president, you will take control of most things. Like the prefects, the people who take care of the school, basically us,  will need to do other stuff as they be leaders of their own." Dream said, not being done yet but sitting down proper in his chair.

George nodded, sitting down aswell in the chair Infront of dreams desk.

"For us, as they work, we will be doing important stuff. We will need to talk to teachers, help when any plans or events are made by teachers and being good leaders for people to follow in our footsteps. We would need to do alot more, but maybe we can talk about it over some dinner?" Dream said as George scoffed playfully.

"Friday." He reassured. As dream smiled back at him.


Wilbur was walking back to school to see him and his friends, Eret, Jack, Nikki, Ranboo and Tubbo. Along with his brother catching up with him, Tommy was his name.

"Why'd you run away from me-!?" Tommy yelled hitting his brother on the shoulder.

But he instantly ran away to his best friend, Tubbo. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Tommy yelled.

"You saw me 2 days ago." Tubbo hugged him back.

"And two days ago is long." Tommy frowned as he whibded.

"Hey big man!" Tommy punched Ranboo on his arm,  "hey tommy." Ranboo's morning voice shown,

As they continued to talk, Wilbur spotted a mushroom, he turned around and saw George, one of the most quiet popular people, and he was scene with Dream.

He's whole face changed, his lip puckered up, "what's wrong?" Eret noticed.

"President." Wilbur said, and everyone turned to each other and kept quiet.

Tommy began to smirk and so did Tubbo,

"so when are we gonna take them down?"


Very short chapter for the first one but I am very tired and hopefully I'll find motivation.

Cheese chain?????

Time: 19:40 June 26th

Word count: 1016

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