Never felt so free

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      Paige POV
"That's right. I wanna see you all jump!" Kellin yells in the mic as the fans jumped to the song.

"Let's hang the jury. You sick judgemental fools! I'll bury you six feet deep!" Kellin sang as fans began to make a mosh pit.

"So tired of your rules. Fuck you and your opinion! How could you be so blind? What goes around
Comes back around in time." He sang.

"Alright I want to you scream the lyrics along!" He yells.

"You don't know shit about me!" He sang.

"You don't know shit. About me!" The fans screams back.

"You don't know shit, shit, shit Don't know a goddamn thing about me!" Kellin and the fans all scream together.

The confetti canon makes a pop as confetti explodes everywhere. As Kellin continues to sing and jump around on stage. Fans continue to sing along and dance as the mosh pit goes more crazy.
—-skip time——

"Fuck that was great!" Kellin yells as fans scream.

"So far you're the best crowd we sang to this tour! We love you all!" He yells. "Enjoy my best fucking friend Vic!" He yells before throwing a few stuff out to the fans before going off stage.

He looks over at me and winks. "Beautiful." He says quietly as he and Gabe walks past me.

"Ready sis?" Mike asked as him and Vic walked over to me.

"Can we sing circles in the middle of the show?" I asked quietly.

Vic smiles and nods. "Of course!" He says before him and Mike walk on stage.

I smiled and turn around stepping away a little farther from the stage. I walked over to Kellin who was standing up against the wall next to the bathroom they had for backstage.

"Hey love." He spoke softly as he steps away from the wall peaking me softly on the lips.

I smiled and kissed back. "Hello my love." I spoke softly. "You've done great up on stage." I spoke softly as he look at him.

He smiles and kisses me again. "Thanks babe." He spoke softly.

"Hey guys." Gabe says as he walks over. "Hey Gabe." Kellin says with a small smile.

"Hey." I spoke as I stood next to Kellin. "I heard you're gonna be up on stage tonight good luck out there!" He says with a small smile.

"Thanks." I spoke softly as I grin a little. "You'll kill it out there!" Kellin says with a huge grin. "And I'll be there watching." He spoke softly as he kisses my cheek.

"Thanks guys."I spoke softly before seeing Ronnie peak his head around the corner.

"Stop being a creepy!" I laughed. Ronnie flipped us off before running away laughing.

"And tonight we have a very special moment with a very special person for you!" Kellin yells. "Pagie will you please join us on stage?!"

I looked over at Kellin. He smiles and gives me a thumb up. "Good luck out there!" He yells before kissing my cheek.

I smiled and nod before running to the stage.

The fans go insane as soon as I walked out on stage walking over to the mic. "Alright Vic, I'm out here." I said into the mic.

He smiles and chuckles softly. "Let's go!" We both scream into the mic as Jess and Mike begin to play the notes to circle. "Alright I want everyone to throw you're hands in the fucking air!" I scream into the mic as Vic head bangs.

"Listen, do you hear my heart beat thump over the monitors?" I sang

You pretend to close your eyes. Don't breathe in, Pieces of candy and leaks of light." Vic sings

"Paint the floor 'round me. Then without hesitating!" I sang.

You took my hand and then we both started running. Both started running. There's no place to go, Another bullet and we both started running. Both started running too. Save yourself, don't ever look back." Vic and I both sang into the mic as the fans screamed the lyrics back.

"Nowhere to go and so we both spin around in circles." I sang as I jumped around on stage as Mike and Jess hit the notes.

At the end of the song Vic jumps into the crowd. Mike throws some of his drum sticks as Jess throws some guitar picks into the crowd. Vic soon jumps back on stage and goes to the mic. "Thanks for coming out!" He yells as the fans cheers more.....

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