Part 4

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"I was pushed on the floor by some random person, he yelled at me to announce my presence next time." Lucy laid with her back on his chest while he stroked her hair. "I won't be your Morgan Mallen, Lincoln, I'm your only Luce."

She rolled over with her chin on his chest. Lifting up her hair Lincoln kissed her forehead.

She had burgundy eyes, he was the only lucky one who could move her hair and she'd let him without question.

"I am your favorite." She sat up and slid off to the ground.

"Not really, I like something more than you."

"Which is?"

"My self." Stop fucking lying, you're only alive because you aren't selfish enough to kill yourself!

Pay it no mind, out of sight out of mind. "Well, I'll see you at breakfast." She kissed his cheek and ran out to go to the restroom.

How much of the world would he burn if she dies? "Seya."

Lincoln has no issue with her growing up and moving away, doesn't mean he likes it. He stood up and went to the restroom, only Lana was in front of him. Luckily, Laun came out fast and she was only in there for a little while.

Using the restroom he goes back to his room.

Sometimes he does wish that they never changed the house, he loves familiarity, but he has grown past that.

He doesn't feel like attending Saturday school, maybe he should just go exercise.

What can go wrong with getting Gains bro?!

But, looking at the door to his room, right below that were his shoes, he didn't know where his black Skechers were placed.

So he just grabs his slides and head to the park, it smells great outside with his window open. He says good morning to his sisters but they don't reply, again, who cares for the oddball?

Only an oddball.

He walks over Lola and Lana's fight and leaves the house.

The sun wasnt rising yet, but he could still see outside with the street lights on. Stepping offbrhe lawn he walks down the sidewalk, going the opposite direction he normally would.

The park's on barely farther than his shitty school.

No cars are out this early on a Saturday, so he crosses the street ignoring the dead squirrel on the road, middle lane.

He will never be like that squirrel.

Making it to the park, Lincoln took a seat on the swing and sat there stationary till the sun came up. He didn't want to swing, nor did he want to waste the energy to do so.

It was too quiet though, he needed to do something, anything!

His ears were ringing, blaring sirens into his skull! They were so loud!

So Violent!

He couldn't breath! He's eyes were blurring changing colors as they so please!

His tears were suffocating and his hands where shaking wildly!

Lincoln Loud was withering on the ground having a panic attack, and not a single person was there to help him...just maybe he'll be exactly like the squirrel.

His head was pounding, but he tried calling his breath.

If he smiled, smiled past the pain like he always does, then it'll go away. Trying to stand up, he ran back home. He needed to sleep before anything else bad happens.

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