Chapter 1: The Pact

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Enveloped by an ominous darkness, a profound stillness descended upon them, momentarily suspending time itself. As their eyes cautiously reopened, the seven individuals found themselves paralyzed by an unfathomable force, gripped by a malevolence so potent that it rooted them in place. In the shadowy depths, a towering figure emerged, its imposing stature exuding pure malevolence. Cloaked in silhouette, the figure's piercing red eyes seared into their very souls, each gaze akin to a searing blade.

"Rise, my children. You have been chosen." The figure's voice echoed with demonic cadence, resonating through the void. Devoid of understanding or comprehension, the seven students barely grasping their newfound existence or comprehend their surroundings, let alone the nature of the enigmatic being before them.

With a sense of bewilderment, the seven gradually rose to their feet, their bodies miraculously devoid of wounds or afflictions. No broken bones, no bleeding gashes- it was as if their injuries had vanished into thin air.

Before they could even gather their thoughts or voice their inquiries, the enigmatic figure resumed speaking, his words cutting through the heavy silence.

"Each of you possesses a unique quality, a reflection of one of the seven deadly sins," the figure declared in his imposing voice. "I have chosen you, for it is within you that the true potential of these sins lies. Consider this an offer: Surrender your very souls to me, and I shall bestow upon you unimaginable power. Refuse, and you shall return to the brink of death from whence you came."

The weight of the decision hung in the air, leaving the seven individuals standing at the precipice of a life-altering choice, torn between the allure of unearthly power and the daunting cost it demanded.

The weight of the decision bore down heavily upon them, a burden too immense for their youthful shoulders to bear. These were mere teenagers, confronted with a choice that held such staggering responsibility.

Their gazes shifted uncertainty from one another, their expressions a blend of confusion and apprehension. The magnitude of the situation left them at a loss for words, unsure of how to proceed.

Among the group, one figure emerged from the collective, stepping forward with a resolute stride. Tall and possessing strikingly sharp features, he exuded a sense of natural authority.

"What do we stand to gain from this? There must be a catch," he inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Aware of the profound implications of the offer, he sought clarity, understanding that such extraordinary power would inevitably come at a cost.

The figure's presence grew increasingly ominous, its unsettling aura accompanied by a menacing growl.

"Ah, Victor. The talented quarterback, adept at sports. A convenient outlet for channeling your anger, a manifestation born from the neglect you endure at the hands of your parents, who favor your seemingly more accomplished sibling," the figure spoke, its form slowly transitioning into that of a humanoid figure. A man in his late 50s emerged, his physique well-maintained, adorned in an exquisite tuxedo. His sleek black and streaks of gray hair swept back, while the power emanating from his fiery red eyes remained unmistakable.

"As for any catch, there is none. I merely perceive in each of you the potential to harness the true depths of the sins' power. Surrendering your souls grants eternal youth, freeing you from the burdens of aging, dying from grievous injuries" he stated, dismissively waving his hand as if to brush away all concerns.

Victor's astonishment was palpable as he grappled with the realization that this enigmatic figure possessed intimate knowledge of his personal life.

"You claim to know my family, but you're mistaken," Victor retorted, his voice laced with skepticism and a touch of defiance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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