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Hey... it's been a while huh, 

I'm not going to give an excuse, I left discontinued a year ago when I fell back on Fanfic writing and to be honest, I only ever planned half the story which made me make careless mistakes and plotholes that I was never going to discuss further on (for example America's glasses). After a while, it felt more like homework than writing for fun. I looked back on the chapters noticing multiple errors and things I wished I could change because I didn't have a solid plan, after that I left. 

I reread this fanfic and started a rewrite now that my writing has improved and I have a more clear vision of where I want this fanfic to go. I will be publishing chapters one and two sometime next month as I already have 8 drafts ready that cover the events from chapter one ( A expecting visitor) to 13 (Spending time with new friends) and hopefully, further next month when I publish.  

But before I go I want to leave you all with the first chapter of the rewrite and maybe some of you can give me suggestions on any nations you want to see more of in the rewrite. For now, I leave you with this. 


The Offer

(a rewrite of a expecting visitor and Nice to see you again)

Friday October 4th, 2019
Arthur Kirkland


That is the only word I can think of that would perfectly describe these world meetings. Germany has not even called the meeting to start and things are already going wrong. To only list few as I walked into the room I was greeted by New Zealand desperately trying to escape one of Australia's pets that he brought with him, according to him it was a Huntsman spider a species that are notorious for entering houses and cars.

You know some people say that it was cruel of me to make Australia into a prison when I found him, yet it was nearly impossible for anything else due to all of the natural wildlife living on his land. Australia then ran after New Zealand trying to retrieve the spider but I'm hopeful that he doesn't.

With the spider came all the spider webs that it made around the meeting hall. While I walked to my seat I had to force down a chuckle as I saw the Netherlands stuck to the wall with Belgium and Luxembourg handling the web to break their sibling free. My breath dropped down my throat almost choking me as I heard a glimpse of their conversation, something about getting a blow torch and with that, I sped up to my spot.

I placed my suitcase on my table Organizing them in the subject order that we will be reviewing today, we would be speaking on marine life, Air pollution, trade threw Europe, trade with North America and then small political debates.

From the corner of my eye, I had the grace of seeing one of Hungary and Romania's many fights. I can't say much about that without sounding hypercritical with the many fights me and France have had, but if I had to pick a side then I would route for Romania.

He, I and Norway really must figure out a way to have more nations see the power behind the dark arts.

Then there were the 3 nuisances of the apocalypse. "Hey! S'up?" America said sitting in the chair next to mine, his tone reminding me a bit of Hong Kong who was playing on his computer with Iceland "Not much the usual I suppose" I responded believing it was a satisfying answer. "Nope wrong, s'up means "what's up?". Look up. What do you see?" That made me stop, wrapping my brain around the information. With all of my time and conversations with Hong Kong, I remembered him specifically telling that "s'up" meant "what is up" as in "How are you doing?" Nonetheless, I gave him his answer "The ceiling I guess?..". He grinned. "Made ya look" and with that, he jumped out of his seat as if he was being chased, to say I was unimpressed was an understatement.

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