The first three

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Yao/China POV-

I was pretty impressed by how many countries came i saw Japan, Italy and his brother, Germany, Prussia umm a floating polar bear??....anyway there was France,England, Russia, Spain and many others Suddenly i heard someone speaking, after realizing it was Historia we all listened to what she said.

"Hey everyone I'm so glad you could all come along to meet the other world personifications but before i allow them to cross over i would like to say some things, a couple relationships threw countries are in fact different s maybe try to not bring that kind of stuff up to reduce awkwardness also I've notice that a lot of genders are different so dont be to surprise if there the opposite gender of yourself, everyone got that" we all nod in agreement as historia continues "alright I'll open the portal in five minutes to talk to a couple of you guys one on one to give you some fair warnings for your double and well be good"

Historia steps off the platform she was talking from and goes to talk to a couple nations like Prussia and Russia, she didn't seem to be coming to me so i just waited around until the five minutes past

*Five minutes later*

"Alright everyone now that everything is addressed its time to meet the first three nations that are going to show us around, if you would all stand back" we all stood back and in that time all i could think was... this...this was really happening, theses other world personnification they... they share the same history as us,the same age, same friends, but they may also introduce us to a side we never knew we had and maybe thanks to them when we get back we'll actually get stuff done at the world meetings. Every thing got real when historia started to chant her spell.

"Ab uno mundo in altérâmes, et tu porta aperire document tuam"

Suddenly there was a purple portal that looked like it just a small black hole with glowing of gold around it we all stood there still until a sign of life came threw the portal, something we all didn't expect at all was a hand to come out of the portal making us all jump including historia at the sudden movement. The second sign of life was a voice could be heard "Historia? Historia are you there" the voice sounded like a young girl around her teenage years, the hand moved around for its own sign of life

"Im here! It's me dont need to worry" Historia said jumping in front of the portal and taking the hand in her own "Historia! A little help i cant seem to get threw can i have a small pull" the voice responded griping on historia's hand "alright on 3, 1"



Historia pulled as hard as she could witch seemed to work because jumping outside the portal was no longer just a hand, it was a human.

A young girl that wore high wasted black jeans and boots. On her head she had a fur raccoon hat and her hair in a side ponytail kinda similar to mine in style and colour, she also had dark brown eyes but what really stood out to me was the symbole on he hat was a maple leaf. I remembered seeing a flag with that symbol during some Olympics, especially at the winter ones but i couldn't quite remember witch country it was from.

"Guys i would like to introduce to you, Canada"

That was it Canada! Wait wasn't he the nation with the polar bear, I look back to where I thought the floating polar bear was to find out, it wasn't floating there was in fact a nation there. I kinda felt bad for not noticing but looking around I don't think I was the only one.

"Nice to meet you all-

She was then cut of by another voice coming from the portal

"Comrade? You are there da?

A strong accent cried out on the other side of the portal "oh! That's right I have 2 more nations with me hold up a second" Canada then proceeded to reach into the portal with both arms and pulls out 2 other nations.

The First Nation she pulled out was a tall nations wearing a dark blue winter coat over a black turtle neck, he also wore kind of fur hat but with flaps on the side instead, what really stood out to me was the Colors and the side of the hat fallowing the Colors white, blue and red, making the Russian flag cover his dirty blond hair with a couple strains poking out at the front.

The second nation Canada pulled out wore a traditional red changshan with golden trimming in the front that went down to his waist with black pants and black shoes, and dark brown hair almost black.

I tried to look for a flag symbol on his clothes until a got to the waist, there was 4 small gold stars and a bigger one next to them in perfect placing to make the Chinese flag....

He was China....

Hetalia meets countryhumansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora