What do you know

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Countryhumans America's POV-

I woke up down in Russia's basement after a difficult night of sleeping, most other nations where still sleeping, all except a few. I slowly got up, stretching by back after sleeping on the hard cement floor  walking down the makeshift path and up the stairs.

When I arrived at Russias dining room, all the Hetalia nations stood there with my Countryhumans friends. They all looked up over too me not saying a word, I looked around and clapped my hands once holding them together, "well...let's get this meeting started" I declared with a hint of enthusiasm trying too lighten the mode considering the dark situation we where in. "We can't we're waiting on France and England, they should be awake by now," Canada said with light voice but clearly very tired.

I can only imagine why we all had so much on are minds at this moment, but if I were to guess I don't think are reasons are so different.

"Englands slept in the blankets next to me when he went too bed but I didn't see him there, I assumed he had already woken up." I said straightening my eyebrows a bit having body look up more compared to my sleepy slumped position, they looked back at me wide eyed and throughout each other. "What do you mean England isn't asleep?!" China asked wide eyed, he shot his face towards Russia signaling him too go check as he ran down the stairs.

"I'm telling you I realized he wasn't there and thought he had woken up before me!" I repeated throwing my hands in the air, "America you are a good friend but we arr know Engrand isn't one too reave without saying something first." Japan said bringing her ears down a bit pointing towards me.

"Well sorry to say this comrade but America is correct, England is not down there and neither is France." Russia said climbing up the metal stairs, "so are jou saying one one night ve lost two people?!?!!" Ludwig said with fury raging in his voice looking over at me with narrow eyes.

Germany jumped in between me and him with a stern look on his face matching his energy, "Hey!! Jou vill not talk too my friends like that! And besides weren't you up here the hole night Ja ? How come jou didn't hear anything?" He questioned too the other German.

"I don't think that's the case..." a soft gentle voice said above all the anger, as Matthew pointed towards the kitchen. We moved rooms too investigate what he was looking at, when we entered we found the back door wide open letting snowflakes inside from rough weather.

"That door cannot be opened from the outside due to a problem with the lock it's why I never use that door, but why is it open?" He said curious but quickly closing it so no more cold air comes into the house, "that's means whoever opened that door left it open so they could come back into the house without being trapped outside and have to use the front door...yet they didn't come back..." Canada said with clear worry plastered on her face. "That-a must be why you-a luddy didn't hear anything they-a used the back door so you-a wouldn't hear them since you-a where working ne'er the front door."

Italy said coming to the realization of what happened, "but why would France and England leave? Like China said that isn't like England too just leave without telling and it's even more strange for them to leave during the middle of the night from the back entrance witch isn't even an entrance anymore in this climate?! It just doesn't add up" Canada said in a panic.

She let out a big frustrated groan almost screaming, gripping her hair, her frustration was large enough too take over her powers as the electricity went out at the height of her actions. She let out the gulp of air she was holding in and put her hand toner mouth, "I'm sorry...I didn't want to be rude" her caramel coloured eyes looked squinted at the lightbulb she put out "I...didn't even know I could do that..." she explained looking back down out of embarrassment.

I went over putting a hand to my sister bringing her into a hug, "hey it's okay we can go out and find them. Russia do you have any spare coats?" I asked looking over at the nation, "da come with me upstairs." He said gesturing us too fallow him, "I'll come up in a bit I've just got too get changed" I said pointing towards my pyjamas. He gave me a nod as they all went upstairs.

I turned too the dark corner of the room crossing my arms, "I see you y'a know come down from there and talk too me." I said still standing my grown and looking up at the corner. But the little pest didn't move. "You forgot my power, my five senses I see you clearly it's how I navigate threw the dark."

This time it seems as if he believed me as he spread his wings and showed my his blood red eyes, and landing on the table. A puff of darkness was released and the bat I was talking too was gone, but instead Romania stood there sitting on the table. "You got me." He said with a smirk, "and it was all thanks too Canada if she hadn't blown that fuse I wouldn't have thought of changing too my eagle vision." I said giving the same smirk back, "yeah looks like England and France were correct about there little theory" he replied. His little announcement caught my attention, I grabbed him by the collar leaning him closely.

"What do you know."

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