Spending time with new friends (Part 2)

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Russia/Ivan's POV-

I had already seen my twin nation before, when we arrived but I didn't get the chance to have a proper conversation with him. I started walking to where I was told to go fallowing the map with my trusty metal pipe with me only hidden so no other nation could see, seeing that I had arrived at the office I looked up to find a surprising.

China was also there with me in front of the door, we both looked at each to curious if we had made a mistake with where we we're. I even saw China check multiple times to see if he was at the correct space, "China what are you doing here?" I asked. China looked up saying "Aru, this is where the map is telling me to go" he said pointing at the map he was given, looking closer I realized some of are things are the same. I was about to suggest that he may have gotten the wrong map until we heard noises from the door next to us, I go and knock on the door to see what was happening and waited for a reply.

When we heard a voice say "Come in" I opened the door to find are two twin nations talking to each other at a desk. "

"Took you matvey's long enough" the other Russia said with a smirk "What are you both doing here aru?" China asked probably confused. "Well you see me and Russia are part of the council of 4 with Canada and America, are job is to make sure everything is set up for the unions. Making sure every nation is doing there job, the unions have everything they need and occasionally stepping in if things get to chaotic." The other China explained.

"Where are Canada and America da?" I asked observing that there was only Russia and China in the room, shouldn't they be here as well.

"Well America and Canada both have other jobs to do around the castle, America is like a security guard and makes sure everyone is in shape but we still see him for his duties as part of the council of 4 and Canada's a teacher to the capitals and states and provinces. It's not an easy task with how many children there are, I think it's 258 kids. So taking care of so many kids, she does her work when there silent and doing there own work and will normally drop by before lunch to give us her papers."

258 kids, in one classroom goddess that must be hell. Not to mention there all different cultures and time zone's how does she do that? I thought to myself "258 kids... that's impressive, anyway is there anything we can do to help?" China asked still trying to get over the fact, they both looked at each other before the other Russia started talking "well I'm about to head to Germany's office and collect some paperwork for Europe would you like to come with me comrade? China is going to go out on patrol and make sure work is getting done"

He offered me so I accepted as we started making way to Germany's office


I was very curious in what my twin nation did, I had already met her yesterday yet we didn't talk much about each other's lives. I presume there similar but also very different, I know that doesn't make much sense but I don't know how to say it properly. I walked outside- yes outside it's where I was told to go, I took a deep breath of fresh air and took a second to admire the scenery before making my way out back.

As I walked to the back of the castle I noticed small little pink flower petals on the ground and soon enough I started seeing cherry trees, strange why are all these here. Looking closer I saw stones in certain places with strange symbols and patterns, as I got closer I saw the other Japan sitting in the middle. I got closer to say hi but before a word could leave my mouth she raised one finger at me while quietly saying "Just a moment prease" how did she know I was there? After a while she got up and turned to me with a smile "sorry about that, I just courdn't be disturbed" she said with a bow for a greeting, I bowed back with a smile on my face and looked around more.

"What is this prace?" I asked looking a at the Cherry trees and rocks " it's a stone circre for meditation, it's very important to me" she said showing me around "ok, but how did you know I was behind you?" She gave me another smile, this one showing a bit of her cat like teeth before looking up to the sky

"the sun tord me someone was behind me." She said calmly, "my job is to rise and set the sun, my power isn't just turning into a neko but arso I can harness the power of the sun making me very powerfur" I remember Britain said something about that being her power but I didn't know it was this big of a responsibility. We chatted a bit and she even showed me some things to find peace with the sun, soon enough I also started to feel more connected with the sun. We had a great time together till another person joined the party, a small little girl started making ways towards us. She wore a orange shirt, no shoes, a flowers crown, a yellow shirt that tied around the back showing her shoulders and some kind of tattoo with a grass bracelet on her leg ankle.

"Miss Japan, miss Japan!!" The little girl hurried towards us jumping into the neko girls arms. "Miss Japan my dad said your going to be helping us with class today, he wanted me to come get you" she said with a big smile "is it true your going to come help us!!! Japan laughed holding the little in her arms while placing her down "yes yes it's arr true, I'm going to be herping you guys with formation's and stances."

The small girl yelled a small "Yay!" And started running back, Japan looked back to me while saying "I hope you don't mind but I offered to herp America with the kids hearth and fitness crass. It's very important to stay hearthy and to know how to fight for us nations"

I nodded as we fallowed the small girl to where she came from, I know realize that behind her back I can see a big scar in a sort of circle shape. It was pretty big as well going from the bottom of her neck to her arm pit on the right, what happened to this small little girl. As I thought a familiar voice caught my attention "Hey!!! KIKU!!!" Alfred. Turning around I saw the loud American with the much more silent American and about 60 kids, America was busy keeping the kids calm when Alfred came over to me. "Can you believe it Kiku! Apparently my states are also personified! How cool is that"

"Alright kids Japan is here, now she's going to teach you some stances and demonstrate some moves. She won't hurt you of course so there's no reason to be afraid, now who's up first!"

America said to the children soon enough many hands raised jumping up and down, "huh... how about you Hawaii since you went to go get her in the first place." He said pointing to the small girl we saw before, me and Alfred backed up a bit to not get in the way as the fighting started. "Remember what you rearn hawaii" Japan said the small child as she began to throw kicks, she stayed on her feet very well and had excellent balance punching high and kicking low.

I was very impressed by the small child as the neko girl only avoided her punches to not harm the child, she didn't throw any kicks or punches and kept giving her advice. I was watching the fight until I found myself in a trance causing me to look deep into the forest, "Hey kiku why are you staring at that forest?" I snapped out of it as Alfred yelled causing Japan to hear and lost focus on the little girl that threw a punch her way knocking her down.

What is happening to me?

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