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Oh shit this is late!

Denmark's/ Mathias POV-

*flash back*

I woke up in the nice bed my twin nation had made for me, oh yeah did I mention I already met my twin nation? I learned that we are very different but still have many things in common for example, this worlds Denmark wears black jeans with brown snow boots, a dark red turtle neck and gray blazer and a strange looking hat that looks like it would belong to a conductor with a Denmark flag pin.

Also she act's more like Finland to be honest in how much happiness she carries, but despite this we've actually become really close, this worlds nordics invited us to come sleep at there house instead of the palace which Finland and I gladly accepted for us and the other nordics.

I got dress for the day and walked over to the kitchen ready to make some coffee, I found this worlds Iceland at the kitchen table with someone else and Countryhumans Finland outside smoking, it surprised me how different they where to each other, Tino would never smoke, but Finland is the complete opposite.

"Oh hi Mathias, how was your rest" Iceland said taking a break from reading, Iceland could be a grump just like Emil but he seemed more soft spoken today. Before I had a chance to reply the man sitting next to him cut me off, "who's that?" The man asked softly lifting his head a bit from its previous tilted form. It was pretty rude of him to cut me off like that, didn't he see I was about to speak.

Iceland looked over to the man next to him and gave a weak smile "Arti, this is Mathias. He's a part of the Hetalia nations that came to visit, more specifically he's the other worlds Denmark, Mathias this Artica he comes to visit once and a while." I go to shake artica's hand but he doesn't even flinch as I extend my hand to him, he doesn't even face me, "uhh hey I don't remember the Antarctica being a nations it's just kinda of a plot of land? No offence" I say a bit confused by his presence.

"Your right, and because of that artica's body wasn't able to create itself like a normal nation making him blind" Iceland explained, as I looked closer I realized his eyes were as white as snow. Must be why he didn't shake my hand or interrupted me earlier, "oh wow sorry I didn't mean to offend you" I apologized "it's fine I'm used to it- aAH!" The man said getting startled by a loud bang. Emil banged to door open out of fright sending a deadly stare towards me, "what are you nuisances doing here, look what's going on outside! You idiots !" He said pointing out the door. I rush outside with Iceland behind me helping Antarctica, I see my fellow Hetalia nations like the nordics in fear, Toni held onto belward as they look up into the sky.

It was an eclipse, the moon was fully in front of the sun and it didn't seem like it planned on moving, we where able to look at the eclipse being nations but why was there an eclipse. It cast a dark shadow over the village and the castle giving it a night time look, a night of horrors and danger. "Th's 'str'ng'... we d'n't g't 'n' 'cl'ps's w'th w''r' th's 'sl'nd 's l'c't'd 'n th''c''n, s'm't''ng b'd 's 'b'ut t' ''pp'n" (This is strange... we don't get any eclipses with where this island is located in the ocean, something bad is about to happen) sweden said with a strong accent.

"G-guys- the castle..." Toni said frightened, we turned are heads to the palace to find giant flames coming out of the left side windows on the upper tower, slowly but surely making its way to the lower part of the castle. Other nations came out of there houses to check out the commotion as they get greeted with a sight that would haunt them forever, there home burnt to ashes getting destroyed by who knows what.

The nordics house was up North where there was much snow from contrast to the beach side, all you had to do was pass a certain path. So we where a safe distance from the fire but others who lives in or next to the castle where evacuating immediately, the flames where large almost like the ones that tore down the notre dame a couple years back. By the path next to our house where nations struggling to climb the steep mountain.

Hetalia meets countryhumansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ