Teachings of Marx

Start from the beginning

1. Humanity technology receded.

Whie this is true in some sense technology also receded in ancient times. In fact, more inventions were made after the fall of Roman Empire. Spinning wheel, Eyeglass and many other. The Roman world lacked said technological progress. While yes, military, engineering and law had its own improvements we are speaking of technology. And so the living conditions did not really improve in Roman Empire throughout its existence. No groundbreaking discoveries were made. Only monuments built to glory.

I do not try to attack roman legacy but merely point out the obvious technological superiority of medieval Europe.

2. Church did not stop progress.

How is that, the ancient texts survived? Where were they stored? What institution was wealthy enough to copy them? What institution could provide education? Church of course, and even theological education is better than none. The monks always guarded the wisdom of Greeks and Romans. Many monks pursued great crafts and invented things. Mendel is a father of genetics after all. The institution of monastery provided the men with a surroundings needed for religious and intellectual development they have lacked in other parts of world.

3. Classical age needed to go.

At the point the Rome fell it already was a medieval society. Serfdom was established. Feudalism started to spring up. The ancients with the Platon's great idea of not believing the World was real, id est it is just an illusion so you do not need to check your ideas and inventions. And furthermore you do not need to use them (Cave allegory). This combined with the decadence of old cultures and many more factors I cannot write in depth essentially must have ended in their doom. New culture needed to be reborn. To gain inspiration from old one. To flourish.

Back to reason in religion. Two paths can be chosen in naturalist studies. Islam, at the start of its lineage was a religion of reason. Muslim scholars invented many things then, their culture was above European. In almost every matter. Some argue that Slavic slave trade concluded by western Europeans was proto-capitalism that build their economic base which later helped them to conquer the world. Then in the 13th century an odd thing historically occurred. Islam was so successful because between its dogmas there was a belief that Allah is in the details. By this I mean weather, streams, forests and us. Not in paganistic sense of course. Rather, by studying the world we live in and gaining greater understanding of it we are becoming closer to God. This is illogical. Christianity then had a belief in which one must study only the nature of God through religion and theology, like the sacred texts, not precisely abandoning all other studies but not focusing ones energy upon them above the God. That is logical. It is, from the point of reason, understandable to search for God in religious text and not the world itself. Thus, when the logic switched its places. Sunni mistics stopped the Muslim progress and House of Wisdom in Baghdad was burned which concluded in mystifying Islam and focusing on Quran and holy texts. Christianity on the other hand made the illogical decision to search for God around them, enabling them to advance rapidly. The scientific method which is one of greatest inventions of all times comes exactly from that Christian thinking. As such the idea of seeing the world rationally is inherently Christian now and in past was Muslim.

This is in part, contrary to our nature. The brain is made of fats, minerals and goo. It is prone to malfunctions. It is not designed to create paradise but to merely survive. Competition is evil in the Marxist terms because it is natural. It destroys equality. In competitiveness one is always before the others and one is always at the low. As was Marx per writing his Manifesto. He was a parasite living off others livelihood. An authoritative father that cheated on his wife. Power of father over his family comes from the pacification in rural societies. Man, in his DNA has a need of power. In a society in which already exist institutions of said power, i.e. Monarchy, Clan Chief, not giving him a way to gain it will result in rebellious attitude. This can be combated with other ways as well, this is just the most popular one. A man in life, seen pathetic by outsiders. Weak by his coworkers. Will unleash his rage at his family. It will become his only place of power in life and only place where he can gain respect.

This is the main reason of such envy in Communism. The idea that the bourgeoise have better and we MUST take it to ourselves. That thinking is favoured by post-colonial nations with an economic base not yet developed. Developed nations tend to choose fascism. This envy permeates social thinking in today's world. That all those nations are behind because colonialism exploited them. The exploitation may have had some part in the state of today's Africa for example. But do remember.

1. Firstly:
Those nations were behind before colonization.

2. Secondly:
Due to Darwin's idea of competition it is, normal, for one culture to kill another. It breads out the weak. Just like predators fighting among themselves.

3. Thirdly:
They could save themselves like Japan did. But to many factors they did not.

And to the argument that this is what made the Europe so strong. Most colonies were more expensive to keep than it was profitable. If not so, most of Asia would be colonised but what happened was that the Europeans for many years kept only trade outposts for monetary gain. Most territories were colonised for their resources. If not so, the Colonial Powers would not let out their colonies so voluntarily after WW2. They are profitable now, as trade partners, than as subjects.

This is what we have of Marx. A broken, tyrannical man. Who created delusional, but appealing take on reality. His predictions were ultimately incorrect. Capitalism created middle-class and made lives better. But his legacy continues. His teaching are the core of Communism. The very first layer. Let us move onto the other ones.

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