Savage Spartan

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Come Monday morning; you were sipping on your drink in the police station in your briefing room, looking at the photos on the pin board you had made for the new nightmare drug Night Terror. It had photos of the canister, the house, and more victims of this drug but also 'Cerberus.' Who was Cerberus? You needed answers

Y/N: Valkyrie, who or what is Cerberus?

Valkyrie: Cerberus is known as a sister group to the Beacon of Light known as Bright Future. Incorporate, or BFI for short, is designed to bring a bright future to the animals of Zootopia; they have helped cure many illnesses and helped piner a lot of what Zootopia has become today; we could be here all day with the things they've done.

Y/N: So what about Cerberus, then are they the same as them?

Valkyrie: No, they are the exact opposite of them. They get their paws dirty. In fact, they helped Bellwether with getting Night Howler; after that came out, they were shut down, all assets seized, and all funding cut off. Even Bright Future Incorporate cut them right out and refused to hire anyone from Cerbus after they were exposed for their wrongdoing, but after the whole Bellwether thing came out, more things came out abuse, gun mismanagement, attempted murder, the list goes on, and on simply put they are bad news.

You took another sip from your drink and gave a deep sigh before leaning against the table.

Y/N: So they are bad news, and yet they are still somehow working?

Valkyrie: Someone must be funding them, but why?

Nick: Because they want the Night Terror drug out on Zootopia, probably as revenge for ruining the image of Cerberus

You turned to see Nick and Judy walking in and joining you, looking at the board.

Y/N: Morning, you two; I guess we need to raid the Cerberus factory. I'll let Bogo know we are going to raid the place.

Judy: You sure that's a good idea? They could have more Night Terror or Night Howler there.

Y/N: If we can shut down their main production facility, it leaves them with fewer places to hide, and it may force out the leader, and that's what i want; the sooner we get the leader, the sooner we can rest easy

Nick: We understand your concerns Y/N but if there is Night Terror or Night Howler in there, what are we going to do? They could try to use it against us. Do you see where we are coming from?

Y/N: Hrmm, your right i do get where you are coming from, and it's risky, but as long as we wear gas masks and don't expose our fur/ skin, we should be fine

Judy: You've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?

Valkyrie: Having a hyper-intelligent A.I. helps when your brainstorming plans

You got up, finishing your drink; you walked out and towards Bogo's office.

Judy: You think his plan will work?

Nick: I think so. It's crazy, but i guess knowing Y/N. Crazy is something that runs in his veins

Judy: That and sexual tension; maybe we should help relieve him sometime~

Nick: Your thirsty

Judy: And you're in denial~

Nick tried to hide his blush as you went into Bogo's office.

Bogo: I don't like it; the risk factor is very high i feel too high

Y/N: Sir, I know this is a gamble, but if we do this, a significant blow will come to our enemy; we could halt Night Terror production in Zotoopia for good plus when Bright Future Incorporate finds out what we did, they could give us favors or maybe some aid in future cases

Spartans never die (Zootopia Judy & Nick x Male Nobel 6 reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن