Ch. 2 This is too much

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"Mr.Kim, here is your coffee"

I made a point to wake up two hours early, I wore the form fitting black dress with way too high of heels and studied his schedule as well as how he expects his days to operate. So I made sure to get his coffee order right and wait outside his bedroom like I was supposed to. He almost seems surprised when I'm standing there but he's quick to compose himself. He takes the coffee and begins to walk down the stairs with one a word, he was already dressed in a perfectly tailored suit that showed off his broad shoulders and muscular back. "Don't wear your hair back like that again and don't be so heavy on the make up" those are the first words he says to me as we exit the house. Here I thought I looked good this morning, like I could blend in with his runway models of a staff. "Yes, Mr. Kim" he nods before getting into the car, I'm surprised that he's driving and not being driven by one of his staff.

The man who opened his door opens my door as well, I thank him quietly and get in. The plush leather custom seats still smelled fresh, while the dash looked like some crazy spaceship with its huge screen and buttons. "Buckle up y/n, we don't have all day" "oh sorry Mr.Kim" I mumble as I quickly buckle my seat belt, as soon as he hears the click he speeds off. The car was much nicer than anything I've seen, I don't even know the brand of the car because I've never seen one on the road. "We have a full day, I'm assuming you read over the schedule" I nod as I pull out my work phone, I had downloaded his schedule for the week so I could stay on top of his appointments. "Of course Mr.Kim, your first appointment is at eight" he nods though he doesn't seem to be paying attention to me all that much. "Go on" he says as he sips his coffee, I continue to tell him his day as he drives. He only glances my way once and that's at the mention of a doctors appointment.

"You look nice, I knew your figure would something to brag about"

I blush though he doesn't look at me, he was sort of intimidating and a bit random. "I'm sure Namjoon didn't give you my personal schedule so I'll have him send it over I have an hour for lunch so I'd like you to contact number five and have her meet me in my office" I furrow my brows "Number five?" I question making him look over at me, he looks annoyed again and slightly offended. "I don't bother with names y/n, not of those I sleep with. Namjoon will send that list over so do as you're told and have her ready for me. You will be graded for each day" I suddenly felt sick, he was such an asshole. But also did these woman not see their worth? Or did they just not care? "Yes sir" I mumble, he scoffs under his breath before pulling onto the freeway now. The drive remains uncomfortably silent, only the rev of the engine and outside noise filters through the car. I'd do just about anything to have at least the radio playing but nope it's just silent. Who even does that? Crazy people clearly.

"When we get to the office I'll introduce you to Jungkook, he will walk you through my work expectations. They are more strict than my at home expectations got it?" I nod and mumble a yes sir, this was only day one hour one and I felt my soul slowly leaving my body. But I was going to have to find the will to see this through, I wanted to prove him wrong out of spite and maybe collect a full paycheck before I bounce. I don't think I can handle this job for a whole year which was what the contract says I'd have to fulfill if I made it past the trial week. Though if I wanted out of the year contract there were three ways, which stupid me I skipped over and signed anyways. I'd have to look at that later. After we arrive I get introduced to Jungkook, he was cute. Big and muscular much like the Kim's but thicker in some areas, plus he had hand tattoos which surprised me. Mr. Kim seemed like the clean cut kind of guy and a bit judgy, so to see his staff with tattoos and a piercing threw me off just a bit.

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