Ch. 1 What am i doing?

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Signing up for this job I knew it would intel a bit of blurred lines but I didn't think those blurred lines would be so visible on my first day. Here I am standing outside of his home office listening to him rail some woman, and I am not allowed to move from my post until I've seen him. So I just have to listen, as he groans loudly and she whines at an ungodly pitch. My cheeks were a bit flush out of pure embarrassment and the cherry on top is I'm not even alone out here, nope I'm waiting with his brother and two maids? There job title is a bit unclear. So we all just awkwardly stand here waiting for the two to finish up their private affairs.

"Should be any moment now"

His brother sighs, though he shoots me a pitiful smile as if he's embarrassed himself. Not that I blamed him. I mimic the awkward smile before looking over at the two maids. They match the awkward smiles right as the couple hit their orgasms, giving us an earful of slurs. If this job didn't offer such a generous salary I wouldn't even be standing here. I was hopefully going to be a personal assistant of some high class rich dude, I was provided a company car which was a nice new Mercedes and I'd have my own room at his place in case for late nights. Though I would do everything in my power to just stay at my place because that part was just weird in my book. Although his home was huge and surely I'd get lost at some point if I did end up staying here, it was still odd that he may request me to stay over. I wasn't about to be some sex slave no matter how hot he may be. Though I am fully expecting some old rich dude, I haven't met the man yet and it's not like they put his name on the application. Though judging by his stamina just now maybe he wasn't so old? His brother grows impatient and knocks now "Come in" we all hear, his brother grabs the handle and counts to ten under his breath before he pushes the doors open.

I stay put, though the two maids go in right away, his brother waits a moment as a tall blonde comes strolling out. She looks me up and down and chuckles before heading down the hall "Right this way Mrs. Y/l/n" I nod and follow his brother through the doors now, my eyes are met with a tall broad man who's still buttoning up his dress shirt. I recognize him almost immediately but I don't say anything. "This is who you hired?" His eyes scan me over before he raises his hand and motions for me to do a spin. He wasn't serious right? I glance over at his brother Namjoon and he gives me a sorrowful look so I spin "Not bad, though if you are working for me a wardrobe will have to be provided. I can't be out with someone who wears no name brand and you've got the body for tighter clothes" I scoff under my breath making Namjoon lightly chuckle "Althea and Addison, I need you two upstairs my room is a mess and I have a dinner to attend, so please make sure my suit is ready. That is all" the two woman bow and leave without a word leaving the three of us now.

"What was your name?"

"Y/n, l/n" he nods again and motions for me to take a seat as he sits in his chair, tossing some black laced panties to the side. This couldn't be real right? Surely they were all just fucking with me. "I'm assuming my brother went over your job details, I have one rule y/n and that is you always answer to me. If I call, you pick up I'm not waiting for a second ring so pick up on the first. If I text, you reply with a minute. I won't be left on read. I'm your life now so if that's too much for you I suggest you walk away now. I'm a very busy man and I need someone who can handle, well me." Namjoon shakes his head and gives me a look that I can't quite grasp. "This job isn't for the weak, are you weak y/n?" I shake my head no as he raises a brow, he almost looks annoyed by me. "I guess we will see about that, as promised you will get a week trial and be fully paid for your services. If I don't like your performance I'll look for another, understood?" I nod "Yes Mr. Kim" his puffy lips twitch into a smirk for a brief moment.

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