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Prompt: You are a ex-hydra experiment but your supposed to be a threat to society but you and Nat can't get enough of the chase.


"Natasha come out. I can feel you're presence." I say walking on the edge of a building
"I'm going to need you to come with me, Y/n." The sexy widow says
"Hun, you say that every time and does it happen? No." I say looking over a her

I feel someone trying to sneak and i shot their way with special bullets.

"Ahhh." Spider-man says groaning
"You should know by now to never bring a kid to a gun fight. And to think i was this close to giving you something. See you next time Natalia." I say giving her the salut before falling off the building transporting myself to my hideout


"Damn guys! I told you not to let him follow me!" I yell at them
"Look at him! You should known by now you can't out do her! She will always be 10 steps ahead. And we don't even know what's in him!" I yell pointing to Peter
"It was the best way for us to catch her." Steve says
"Obviously not dumbass is she anywhere near us?! The one thing we had! The one time she was willing to talk at least! You guys busted it. Great Job." I say sarcastically before walking away to my room

I sigh closing my door locking it.

"Well that took longer than expected babe." Y/n says causing me to smile


"Well that took longer than expected babe." I say laying in the middle of her bed
"Well i had to make it some what believable until you do what you promised." She says placing down her weapons
"Mm i'll do it soon." I say as she takes off her suit

She takes off her suit jumps in the shower before joining me in her bed.

"Are you going to help peter?" She asks turning on her side to face me
"Yeah, i will for you baby. He won't die, trust me." I say giving her a kiss and she nods smiling tiredly
"Let's sleep." She says and i nod laying my head on her chest



I wake to a cold bed causing me to sit up slowly easing out of bed seeing a note on my bedside table.

everything happens today. don't be surprised to get a visit from me at 12:00. and i love you three thousand never forget xxxxx

- Твоя принцесса

I smile shaking my head looking at the time seeing it's 7:25 heading straight to my shower.


I have to make sure the community that i help build is doing good before i "turn myself in." It's funny when they have all the power, which is something they had before what happened to me.

"Ms.y/n can i have some candy?" a little innocent girl asks
"of course hun just make sure you don't eat a lot. we don't want you getting sick. tell your mum i said hi ok." I say kneeling down giving her a bag of candy and she nods smiling before running off

I head back to my house make sure everything is fine there before jumping in the shower.

I get out the shower seeing it's now 11:40, i pull on my undergarments such as panties and bra before sliding on some black skinny jeans, black belt, a white cropped tank top, my black leather jacket (which was originally nat's but oh well) and my heel black boots. Once i was finished getting dressed i made sure i had my jewelry on before walking out the house.

Before i head to Avengers tower i head to Mcdonald's for a Double Bacon Cheeseburger Meal and a McFlurry.


I walk into the tower eating my fries seeing no one around before going to sit on the couch. I sit down turning on the tv, the avengers walk in  just staring at me.

"To say you all have many enemies you're very vulnerable when it comes to security." I say paying attention to the tv
"How did you get in?" Steve asks standing in front the tv
"Down. I walked in through the front door." I say making him kneel so i can see before responding
"What are you here for?" Tony asking angrily
"The kid i shot last night he's still hurting right. Sad you can't fix him." I tease him pouting
"Came here to gloat. That's not you Y/n." Bucky says
"You don't know me plus i promised someone very important to me that the kid won't die." I say hold eye contact with my girl
"It won't work wanda you should know that." I say feeling her trying to get in my head
"Had to try." She says stopping
"Where is he?" I ask throwing my trash away
"What you want to watch him die or something?" Tony says
"You can't fix everything and everyone stark you don't have that power hun." I say bumping into his shoulder walking in front of black widow
"What?" She says trying to stop herself from smiling
"Show me where he is?" I say and she nods before walking away from me causing me to follow

I feel the rest of her team following behind talking to each other about me. We get to the medical center and peter's sweating and pale before i go treat him i turn to the team i don't like.

"If i had wanted to kill you all you would've been dead a long time ago, can't break promises." I say tilting my head at them before turning to the child

I remove the bullet from his side before giving him a shot of antibiotics because when i moved the bullet i removed my infection from his body.

"You will fine in the next hour." I say to peter and he nods weakly

I walk out the room see them looking at me. I walk past them heading to the freezer seeing ice cream. I grab it before sitting down laying on Nat's lap.

"Why don't you make yourself at home?" Tony says sarcastically
"Don't get mad at me. I do a better job at you and i haven't killed nor one innocent person which is saying a lot when it comes to you." I say smirking at him

"So this is kind of awkward?" Thor says scratching his head

"Nice to finally meet the legendary y/n y/l/n." Fury says walking in
"She's out of town right now leave a message at the beep." I say rolling my eyes at him
"Really Y/n?" He says standing in front of me
"You have no food. I have no interest in talking to you. I have very fast metabolism." I say to him feeling Nat fingers glide through my hair

"Well will you join this team?"
"Are you serious? But she is the enemy?!" Tony says loudly
"You have a problem with that? Don't be jealous." I wink at him
"So?" Fury says
"No, i am not but i will unofficially help with a promise of good income." I say looking at Fury
"Whatever you need." He says nodding

Everyone spreads in their own space once he leaves.

"Looks like we are going to be working together." Nat says smiling
"Yes we will." I say smiling softly giving her a kiss

Don't think you care about me
Oh girl i care about you
But you don't care about nobody
Nobody but you

(Sonder ft Jorja Smith Nobody but you)

Not so much an enemy anymore ;) or were we ever?


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