The Photographer 📸

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Prompt: You work for a Photographer company as self-photographer and Tony offers you to take a photoshoot for the team not knowing you and Natasha already met.

Y/n POV:

I get out bed at like 9:22 and see a message from my boss say 'Sorry to bother on you're off day but we need the best of the best to do this photo shoot today at 10:30 with an exclusive customer so please do come in before 10:30." She is a total sweetheart and I respond. 'Of course I'll be there!' I send then get ready for the day send my lover a 'have a good day baby I love you <3'

I go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face, take a shower and get dressed.
My Outfit with one of my baby's black zip up hoodie:

My Outfit with one of my baby's black zip up hoodie:

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I make myself breakfast and leave my apartment, heading to my work place

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I make myself breakfast and leave my apartment, heading to my work place. I head into work clock in and get my space to set up the photoshoot back ground.

'Wanna come have lunch with me.' The message states on my phone from My Love 😍
'You don't need to ask Angel 😇 I would love to.'

Shelly comes in and tell me my 10:30 appointment, I tell her to bring them in she was so excited it's crazy. To my surprise it My baby and the troublemakers.

"Next to meet you all, I'm Y/n and I'm you're photographer for today and rest of the week." I say smiling making her smile but she hides it
"You guys wanna get into position while I change my lenses thanks." I say and they look at me confused but her
"I'm surprised you didn't asks for an autograph." Tony says kinda hurt
"Yeah no I'm good," I say plainly making the team laugh
"Well let's get this over with," Steve says and I put my camera on the stand
"Imma do separate then duos then all together," I say then the guys go first she stands behind me and stand close to where our bodies touch
"Don't you think the background should be a bit darker?" She says into my ear
"Maybe but I like this one it helps brings out your beautiful eyes." I whisper back and she discreetly kiss my collarbone, gently squeezing my waist moving back to talk to Wanda is her name

1 1/2 hours later

I have all my needed photos with a bit teasing in between. I usually don't take as long but not gonna lie but Tony and Steve together was a bitch they were constantly throwing bitch fits.

"Ok I got all of my needed shots," I announce
"Finally," I mumble and Tony nods
"Do you know who we are?" Tony asks surely irritated
"Um random group of people who wanted pictures done." I say lying clearly to Tasha
"Ok I officially have you on my hate list," He grumbles
"Oh so you're about to catch another bitch fit because I only know you're names Tony pretty kid like." I shrug off packing my things up
"Well we have to go so see you tomorrow." Wanda says and I nod

They leave but I hear the door opening back up.

"Leaving so soon?" Nat asks as I grab my phone, sit at my desk and put my images that I took and transfer them to my laptop
"Yeah, I have a very important lady to see." I say packing my stuff and walk up to her
"Important huh?" She teases getting closer
"Yup very." I say stepping closer where our body's touch
"You're one good of a liar baby, but you can never fool me." She says wrapping her arms around my waist
"I'm glad." I say smiling wrapping my arms around her neck

I pull her into a very long passionate kiss being interrupted by the team.

"Ah ha So you do know us!" Tony says accusingly
"Yes, yes I do." I say cuddling into Tasha's front
"You ready to go get some food Angel?" She asks kissing my head and I nod
"Ohh can we go too I'm starving," Clint says smirking and the team agrees while Tasha glares at him

We leave my work place but not before I clock back out.

"I'm riding with Angel." I hear Natasha say as I get in my car
"My beautiful Angel, I'm really sorry I couldn't wake up with you this morning." Nat says sincerely as she gets into the car
"It's okay baby I know you had work so it's fine." I say starting the car
"Well I'll still make it up to you at home later." She says placing her hand on my thigh making me bit my lip

I pull out of the parking lot towards our favorite restaurant with the Avengers following behind me.

"You've been really quiet baby. Everything okay?" Nat asks as we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I say sighing
"Like what? Talk to me." She soothingly rub my thigh
"I'm gonna quit my job and move some where that's not as local. Like the country somewhere." I say parking the car
"What are breaking up with me?" Nat asks removing her hand from my thigh
"No, baby of course not. I'm just ready to settle down. You will always be able to see me whenever you want to. We will still be together. I'm just moving, my love for you will never change." I say sincerely grabbing her hand kissing it and she nods smiling softly.

"What's you're plan?" She asks as we watch the others pull in
"Our plan is that I move away and you move in with me. You can still do you're avengers stuff and come back home whenever you like." I say turning off the car, she smiles widely nodding
"We can start our own family. What about the money to buy the house." She asks as we get out the car grabbing our things
"I still have my savings and a bunch of money put to the side and I actually kinda bought the house we now own." I say taking her hand in mine
"Well I am glad I also want to help with things around the house so tell me when. But now I'm hungry." She says and we walk up to the team
I pull her close leaning into her side as she takes her arm wrapping it around my waist.

Finally getting my happier ever after life with my one love


Pt.2 ?

Idk how to feel about this🕳🚶🏼‍♀️

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