The Regretful Ex Pt.2

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Trust takes time. Love takes time. I want to have that all with you, but it takes time.


If we're being honest I'm tired of being me. If you ever say you want to be a celebrity because of the money we make. Don't trust me you can easily get taken advantage of by the people you're supposed to trust.

I sigh as this thought runs through my head continuously and I start to write lyrics down in my writing book such as:

Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell

I write and doodle all over the page.
Shattered bottles. Broken hearts. Body sculptures of women.

"Hey Stranger," Lizzie says sitting next to me
"Hey Liz," I say smiling softly
"You okay?," she asks watching me doodle
"Yup just dealing with life," I say messing with skin
"I heard what you said today about what happened to you. I think you should try therapy." She suggest
"Thanks for the concern Liz but I did do therapy and it doesn't seem to work. They thought I drink or did drugs which I don't and won't do." I say looking at her
"We're here," The driver says
"Thank you," I say getting up
"No problem and JJ is already waiting outside," he says to me while I put on my sunglasses
I walk out the van and see JJ, he nods at me and me I nod back. We go in and get seat and JJ sits with us.
"Take the glasses off Y/n," JJ says
"No Why?," I say looking at him
"It's disrespectful, take them off before I tell Jess," he says mentioning my mom and I sigh taking them off
"A**hole," I mumble and they laugh at the interaction

If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you, anymore


Liked by Scarjo and 2 million others@Y/nOfficial New Album coming soon

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Liked by Scarjo and 2 million others
@Y/nOfficial New Album coming soon

@BillieEilish Most definitely will be bump that
^@Y/nOfficial who wouldn't want to 🤣
@UnknownY/nFan: Is it a sad album
^@Y/nOfficial it's more of expressing my built up feelings through my songs
@Y/NWIFE: I can't wait
^@Y/nOfficial TBH me either
@Y/NGF: will you preform them at the next concert
^@Y/nOfficial Most def
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Hand, hands getting cold
Losing feeling is getting old
Was I made from a broken mold?
Hurt, I can't shake
We've made every mistakes
Only you know the way that I break

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