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It all started on a sunny Tuesday, in the girls restroom, during period six of the day, the period right after lunch break. Everyone was in their classrooms getting ready to learn, well except for one girl.

Choi Yunjin, was in the girls restroom smoking a cigarette while sitting on the windowsill. She exhaled the smoke out the window.

That was when Lily walked in, by seeing Yunjin she rolled her eyes. "Do you really have to smoke in here?" She asked her.

Yunjin then stood up and walked towards inhaling once again, but this time instead of exhaling the smoke out the window, she exhaled right into Lily's face.

Lily coughed after breathing in the smoke. "Ya!" She shouted our. "Unlike you, I  actually want to protect my lungs not destroy it."

Yunjin's eyes fell onto the girl who had entered the bathroom. The girl ignored the others presence walking right to the basin washing her hands.

"Who's that, she's hot." Yunjin asked Lily right behind her.

"Thats Yoona, we went to middle school together, and elementary." Lily said scoffing at her for not recognizing her.

"Seol Yoona, wow when did she become so... hot?" She asked checking her out.

"Disgusting." Lily commented walking into one of the stalls.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A voice was heard from the door.

"What do you want Haewon?" Yunjin asked still smoking.

"Hall passes girls." She demanded. Lily came out of the stall and handed hers. So did Yoona.

"Once again, Choi Yunjin is skipping classes. I'm going to have to write you down for smoking on school premises as well." Haewon said taking out a pen.

"You wouldn't dare."

She pushed her glasses right up before saying, "Try me." With that she wrote Yunjin down.

"Hall pass." Haewon asked the next girl who walked in.

"I don't have one, I have cheerleading practise right now." She walked to the mirror fixing her hair and applying the lipstick to her lips after the color faded.

"Don't ask for a hall pass, I had dance practise." The next girl walked in sweating. She opened the faucet, splashing her face with water.

"Kyujin and Jiwoo. Those aren't excuses to not have a hall pass. I have no choice but to write you guys down." Haewon wrote their names down.

"Do you always have to be such a buzzkill?" Haewon looked at the door to see Jinsol walking in.

"Shouldn't you be sticking your nose in a book right now?" Yunjin scoffed.

"What did you say?" Jinsol asked walking up to the girl.

Yunjin threw her cigarette on the floor stepping on it, "You heard me, nerd." She said.

A loud slap was heard. Yunjin held her cheek staring at Jinsol who had just slapped her. Every one was shocked at Jinsol's doing.

"You didn't have to slap her." Yoona interfered stepping in front of her.

"What are you going to do about it?" She asked, Yunjin grabbed her hair, pulling her head backwards.

"You guys should stop, or I'm writing both of you guys down." Haewon said trying to stop the two from fighting.

"Jinsol was right, you are a buzzkill." Kyujin said putting her things back in her bag.

"At least I dont pretend to be someone I'm not, what will happen when people find out that your father is in fact not the ceo of the biggest company, oh and that you aren't this rich popular cheerleader." Haewon asked.

"You son of a bitch!" Kyujin shouted jumping onto her and attacking her.

"Kyujin calm down!" Jiwoo said trying pull the younger off Haewon.

"Let go of me you fucker." She punched Jiwoo causing her nose to bleed.

She brought her hand up to her nose wiping it, "That does it." She grabbed Kyujins hair pushing her onto the wall.

"S-so much blood." Lily said fainting onto the floor.

"What do you guys think you are doing right now!" Everyone froze looking at their teacher standing in the doorway.

"All of you to the principal's office now!" She said walking over to Lily who was unconscious on the floor.

That's how it all happened. That's how the seven girls who had decided that they hated each other and would ignore each other, got involved with one another again.


First chapter is a bit messy, but ya...
Kinda having writers block with this book😭

𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora