Chapter 11.

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Unknown POV

I find it amusing that someone could think so highly of another who put them through so much. But I'm glad such a phenomenon could occur, it's deeply entertaining for a person such as myself. I still watch as he searches endlessly for the one he convinces himself he loves, never once does his mind turn away from his petty objective.

Soon I will make my advance.

4 days...

Harry's POV

The dull thud of hooves followed me as we patrolled through the valley. I had brought at least half of the army with me, most heavily armed in case we needed to fight. I was silent as I rode in front and led the others towards where I had been told they had their headquarters. Zeus trotted in front, thoroughly sniffing the ground for any trace of a scent as we progressed.

I looked to my side at the sound of someone approaching my side.

"What makes you think she will be there, my lord?" Jessie asked, riding alongside me as she spoke.

"It isn't so much so we find her, more that we eradicate any kind of threat they pose to us. If she is there, that's just one less journey we have to make." I answered, with barely any emotion in my tone.

"I beg your pardon, my lord, but I thought the whole idea was we would find her?"

"The longer she continues to train with them, the stronger she and her relationship with them becomes. We cannot allow for her to become one of them."

"But I thought she already-"

"I should warn you that you are speaking out of your place." I growled, "Fall back into the ranks before I become too agitated."

Her head fell in embarrassment before she slowed down to resume her position behind me, riding in silence for the rest of the journey.

The horses suddenly became restless, whinnying and snorting as if something dangerous was nearby. The scouts scanned the surrounding area for any threats, as a thick cloud of dark smoke flew from over the trees. It darted between our ranks, separating one side from the other with panicked yells as the horses continued to buck and jump nervously.

"Hold together!" I ordered, drawing my sword in preparation to fight.

But before I had the chance, the apparition had flown over our heads and back towards the direction of the castle.

"Sire! It must have come from the east! The old ruins!" A scout told me, pointing over to the shaded castle that stood in between the peaks of the mountains in the distance.

I turned to Liam, sheathing my sword once again.

"What do you suggest? The headquarters or the castle?"

"How about we ask the one who actually knows where we're going?"

"Ugh, fine. Jessie?" I called her, waving her forward once more.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Should we find the Assassins or go to the castle first?"

"I suggest we go to the Brotherhood's camp, as the castle will not move soon, whereas we cannot be sure of how long the Assassins plan to stay."

"Well said," Liam commented, "Onwards, then."


Kate's POV

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