Chapter 3

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I looked back down the ground, to find the mysterious man wasn't there. But once I thought back to what I had seen, I realised that he had the crest of that group of anarchists that I had reading about back at the castle (picture on the side). He must have been one of those men that were outside the castle, that Harry seemed so concerned about, that had the entire castle up in arms and ready to destroy any and all that they found.

As we flew back home, search parties of hundreds of men were patrolling the castle, the borders of the woods, the villages, and all the fields in the surrounding area. I don't know why they were so worried though. From what I had seen, we had thousands more men than they did. 

We landed gently on the cobbled courtyard, the sound of hooves disturbing the otherwise quiet area. I lead Gaia back into and closed the door quietly, nearly jumping out of my skin when I turned around to see Louis standing behind me with his arms crossed in mock anger.

"And where have you been?" He asked, acting liking a disappointed father.

"Places." I said quickly, trying to walk past him carefully, but he stood in my way before I could any further.

"You're lucky I told Harry you were in your room, he would have been fuming if you had left without telling him. So I'd run if I were you."

I took off as quickly as I could into the castle, leaving Louis behind me, laughing as I raced away. I dodged servants and knights, narrowly missed Marcel, who was carrying stacks of old, books, and stopped when I came to the corridor my room was on. I saw Harry walking towards the door, just about to open it. 

I zoomed into the cupboard that joined onto my room, carefully running through it and jumping ungracefully on the bed, pretending that I had been there the entire time.

"Hey, Harry." I waved, trying not to look out of breath from my run as he opened the door.

"Hi." He said sternly, closing the door behind him and walking over to the bed. I was slightly confused by the firmness in his voice.

"Whatcha doin'?" I smiled innocently,

"I know what you did." He said curtly, making my face fall.

"How did you know?"

"When I see a flying white horse out the window I know it's you."

I stayed silent, waiting for the shouting to begin. And it sure as shit did.

"I'm furious." He glared at me, "Why would you leave without telling me where or when you were going? Especially with the kingdom in the position it's in at the moment!"

His eyes glowed a scary red colour they always used to when we got angry when we first met.

"I'm s-"

"Don't even bother." He held his hand up to me to stop me, "I've had enough of your disregard for your own safety, you don't even seem to care if you get killed or not."

Before I had a chance to retort, he had left the room. I screamed in frustration, hiding under the covers of my bed and just sat there, thinking about how he could never seem to control his irritative nature.

I heard the door creak open, and soft footsteps came in.

"Kate?" A soft voice called, which I recognised to be Zayn.

I didn't answer him, just curled up more and stayed silent.

"Well I was giving you a choice to answer but I guess I'm coming in." He laughed, lifting the duvet up so could get in. I hissed at the light that he had let in which burned my eyes, but he quickly got in and covered us up again.

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