Chapter 9

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Unknown POV

I watched as the people made themselves busy in the courtyard in front of the castle, and soon caught sight of the King himself. Sitting motionless as he stares out over what he believes is his land. Oh, how wrong he is.

6 days.

Harry's POV

I sat at my desk, looking out of the window which looked over my kingdom, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands as I repeatedly thought about how much I had screwed up in the past. I had never taken note of how many times I had actually said something that could have offended her, done something that could have made her feel unwanted. It was ridiculous how many times I could recall that I had been such an utter arsehole towards her, and never noticed it.

I watched as another unsuccessful search party arrived at the courtyard, all of the men seemed scared of the reaction I would have to their failure. But to be honest, I had lost any and all feeling I had. I was emotionally numb, and I couldn't stop rubbing my hands up and down my face out of stress. I had had servants come in, bringing me food and drink throughout the past weeks, in which I had mostly stayed here, only ever moving to take a piss or shut the door if it had been left open.

I huffed, taking another sip from the goblet that was sat on the table next to me. Without removing my gaze from the outside, I decided to summon the only thing that could possibly comfort me.

"Zeus." I called, looking to my side expectantly.

A rush of air was heard, before a large black dog appeared beside me, looking up to me in admiration.

"Any luck?" I asked absentmindedly, scratching his head.

He wagged his tail excitedly, jumping up and barking wildly. His sudden burst of energy grabbed my attention, and I looked down sternly.

"Really?" I said, frowning in disbelief as he continued to leap in front of me.


Suddenly, he became more solemn, whining into the hand that I held under his chin.

"Where?" I asked again, this time more strictly.

He stood up and trotted over to a desk that stood in the corner, opening the top drawer and snuffling through it. He came back over holding a familiar pendant that I had picked up after the defeat of the Angels. I took to crumpled pendant from his mouth, stroking my finger gently over the cracks and breaks that I had caused when I had shattered it.

"But why?" I asked, more as a question to myself as I lay it down gently on my lap.

Zeus nuzzled my leg, whining at my distressed facial features.

"Keep track of her, come back if anything happens." I told him, sighing once he had disappeared once again.

Even though I tried to tell myself I didn't know why she had gone back to the Dark Angel's castle, I knew exactly why. I just didn't want to believe it. I also knew that sending large quantities of troops would only encourage her to depart even quicker than she had originally planned. I'd have to go after her myself.

And this time, no one will stop me.

Kate's POV

I stood with Gaia on the cliff top where we had first met, the wind blowing gently as the sun softly heated the air around us. Gaia shifted and whinnied uneasily as I tried to calm her down.

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