Chapter 7

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Harry's POV (look at that, new POV!)

I paced up and down the hallways impatiently, occasionally looking out the window for any sign of a hunting party returning. Not only had we lost Kate, but now Zayn had gone missing. I had already told the nurses that he shouldn't be allowed out of bed until he's fully recovered, but of course, he's a king too so he has equal power over them.

I spun around at the sound of someone knocking on the door of my study, and I zoomed over quickly to open it for them. Marcel stood there, looking down at his feet shyly and fiddling with his fingers.

"What is it, Marcel?" I asked irritably,

"T-The search party came back." He mumbled, "They found Kate."

My eyes lit up in sudden excitement, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him, as if I could shake an answer out of him.

"Where? Where is she? Is she here?" I rushed, pushing past him to go and see her.

"They didn't manage to bring her back." He stopped me, making me angry once again and growl at him angrily.

"Why the fuck not?!" I snarled,

"She wasn't alone. She seems to have teamed up with the brotherhood."

I felt as though I had the breath knocked out of me. I went back into the room and sat down at my desk at the other end of the room. I looked down, in deep thought of how we could possibly get her back now. God knows what sorts of propaganda they've been feeding her. We don't even know if she'll ever come back.

"Fine." I huffed, "Any news on Zayn?"

"Not that I've been told." He sighed, "But they saw something on the field, if you're interested?"

"Like what?"

"Apparently it looked like a dark angel, but they weren't sure."

"Ok, thank you." I shook my head in defeat, turning around to look out the window.

I sat in silence on my own for the next half an hour, until finally deciding on the next course of action. I pushed my chair away violently, so violently in fact that it smashed against the wall on the other side of the room. I quietly went into the armoury, putting on my armour and attaching a sword to my hip.

I then speed walked down into the courtyard, closing the main doors quietly behind me and sneaking over to the stables to get Ares out. He came to the door of his stable and whinnied as I approached. I smiled in return, putting his saddle and bridle on swiftly.

"You're going to need to trust me on this one." I said quietly, stroking over his nose and kissing his forehead affectionately.

His ears pricked forward in anticipation and nickered gently as I jumped onto his back, careful not to hurt his wings. I pushed him upwards, gripping the reins tightly as he took off into the sky.


Kate's POV

I was on patrol duty for today, walking calmly around the forests on Gaia. I found myself doing patrol a lot recently, mainly because Michael didn't seem to like me so he made sure I was out of the way for as long as possible. However, it was also a good time to just enjoy the place I lived in. Due to the rushed nature of how I arrived here, I never really had enough time to look any further than the castle allowed me. Although I did enjoy this walks, at one point the path I followed came out onto a field, where I saw a good view of the castle.

I did miss it occasionally, but I know Harry didn't miss me. He so far hadn't made any attempt of trying to find me himself, so his parties that he had sent out were nothing more than an attempt to eradicate the kingdom of the brotherhood.

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