Chapter 12

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Unknown POV

I watch now as they carry on fighting among themselves. Who would have thought that 2 souls that seemed so impossibly close, would separate onto 2 different sides of an incorrigible war such as the one they find themselves in the midst of. It's almost sick how closely I watch their every move. Some might call me psychotic, but I am merely intrigued.

3 days...

Harry's POV

"Onwards! Engage at will!" I ordered, quickly speeding Ares forward to make chase of Kate.

She expertly leapt through the trees, making Ares slightly jumpy at the jerky movements of the branches as the leaves fell. He ran swiftly underneath the trees she moved through, dodging the occasional Assassins that came our way.

"Please, Kate! Just listen to me!" I pleaded to her, but she didn't even look back.

"I've done my listening! I don't want to come back with you."

Something snapped within me then. Perhaps it was the constant rejection, or perhaps it was just the pent up frustration that I had concealed for the 4 months that she had all but ignored me. I felt the heat building throughout my body, my thoughts clouding with anger as my vision turned red. I growled as speed up Ares, waiting until he was directly underneath Kate. I carefully stood up in the saddle, maintaining my balance before I jumped and latched onto her leg, dragging her out of the tree and down to the ground.

We landed in a heap with a grunt of pain, but I swiftly ripped the blade from her wrist, throwing it some distance away before holding her against the ground.

"You don't understand." I told her gruffly, gripping both of her struggling hands in one of mine, "Remember all those years ago when I first met you?"

She visibly froze and suddenly lay still, the only movement being her deep breathing as she panted for breath. I still held her as she thought, but she still didn't seem to understand what I was talking about.

"Videns autem regina lamia eligitur, quae et regnabit rex, una cum illo et felix." I recited, and suddenly she understood.

"I remember." She told me, and she suddenly relaxed, so I let go of her.

"Do you get why I've been trying to get you back now?" I asked, in an almost pleading tone, sitting back on my heels as she sat up.

It was for the first time now I saw her eyes turn a deep purple, and tears pricked at her eyes as she stared right back at me. She let out a sob that shook her body, before throwing her arms around my neck and crying into my shoulder. I smiled wider than I had in the past year. I never thought I would feel her this close to me ever again. I soon felt tears brimming in my own eyes, rolling onto my cheeks as I gripped her tighter.

"I've missed you." I whispered, clutching her close to my chest.

She just nodded, seemingly too overcome by tears to formulate any proper words.

"Wanna go home?" I smiled, sniffling as my nose began to run from crying.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks and nodded, standing as I helped her to her feet.

Just as I was about to call Ares back, I felt a piercing pain in my back, almost making me fall again. I heard Kate gasp from behind me, so I reached back and pulled a large silver knife from my shoulder, seeing it was covered in blood. I dropped it to the ground and turned around, growling as I looked up into the trees for whoever had thrown it. I swayed back and forth, my head beginning to pound, and my vision blurring. Before I knew what had happened, I fell to the ground, unconcious.

Kate's POV

I looked on in horror as Harry slumped to the ground, his hand landing on top of the knife that had been thrown into his shoulder. The wound itself had healed, due to the healing factor that had saved him from more than a few close scrapes. I heard a thump next to me, looking over to see Ashton grinning. He picked up the knife and slipped it into the satchel with satisfied look his face.

"One of the fastest acting narcotics to be found. Impressive isn't it? You're welcome, by the way." He said smugly, nudging me in the arm with his elbow.

"No! We had just made up!" I screamed in frustration, tears still falling down my face, "You bastard!"

"Whoa, don't blame me! I'm just doing what you would have 5 minutes ago!" He retorted, crossing his arms angrily, "And since when did you not hate him?"

"Since I realised that I still loved him!"

"Oh boo-fucking-hoo, why don't you just run on back to the castle with your little vampire lord, I haven't got time to save your arse more than once for such a petty reason."

"Fuck off."

He suddenly ran at me, his hidden blade unsheathed as he tried to attack, but I stealthily swerved out of the way. I crouched over Harry's body and hissed threateningly, pulling a knife from his belt to hold out in defence. He simply laughed dryly.

"Would you look at that," He scoffed, putting his hands on his waist, "You were always one of them, weren't you?"

I glared at him, but he just laughed humourlessly once again, before scaling the closest tree once again, running through them to get back to the camp.

I stood once again, looking around for something to help, still not really knowing what I could do to get him to wake up. All I could do was get him back to the castle. I whistled for Gaia, sighing in relief when I heard the rhythmic sound of her thundering footsteps coming towards us. She skidded to a halt in front of us, seemingly a bit unsure at the sight of me and Harry so close once again.

"It's fine." I soothed her, dragging Harry by the arm towards her, "He's not bad any more."

She nickered, dropping down to the ground, sitting down whilst I dragged him to the front of the saddle. She stood once I had gotten him in position, at which point I got into the saddle myself, keeping one hand on Harry to make sure he didn't slip. We swiftly took off, soaring over the fields and plains that we had been fighting on only a few minutes ago.

I could see Harry's other forces still fighting down below, probably waiting for Harry's order to stop, but of course that wasn't going to happen. I thought to tell them myself, but after all, if a recent enemy of the king swoops down with the seemingly dead king on the back, it would be unlikely to escape some kind of punishment.

So I carried on with our journey back to the castle, smiling at the familiar spires, suddenly realising how much I had missed the protective walls of it. But upon further inspection, I saw something happening in the courtyard.

Something was wrong.


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