61. Righteous

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Jiang cheng could see everyone's reaction. It only made him laugh at how defensive they were. If only they knew.

Third Person POV

Jiang cheng gritted his teeth in a grin. It was the type that would make one tremble in fear. 

His head was high up, looking down on those before him.

"Why should I? The reason I was forced into wasting so much time was because of him. Hanguang-jun, did the witchcraft get to you."

Lan wangji was furious. If it wasn't for the hand around his arm, he would've sliced the man in front of him to shreds.

Jiang cheng was happy beyond words, it is not every day you get to win against the Lans.

He turned around dramatically and walked towards the Unclean realm. 

Jiang cheng removed his clothes and dipped into the hot water, completely submerged. He was extremely tired though he did not do much. His head floated through all that had happened. Everything just felt out of place. Up until now, he has gathered a lot of information, but they are all tailess flame. They burn off quickly. 

After a long time, he got up and wrapped himself in purple robes, his wet hair leaving trails.

He stepped into the room and closed the door when the main door opened, revealing white robes.

The Lan turned around after closing the door only to be startled, though it wasn't shown much. 

"Wanyin, I brought you food... you didn't open the door so I came in, my apologies, I shouldn't have done that."

The Lan was profusely apologizing while Jiang cheng took the tray and placed it down.


The two stayed in silence until Jiang cheng's body slightly shivered. 

"Wanyin, you should dry your hair properly or you'll get sick."

"I'm a cultivator, I won't get-"

His words were interrupted when his body denied his words making him sneeze loudly. His ears turned red in embarrassment which slowly grew to his cheeks.

Lan Xichen was mesmerized by the other's cuteness he couldn't help but caress his tinted cheeks. They were soft as sponge and very smooth. Lan xichen's only thought was to take a bite of it.

He leaned forward and gently pecked the other. Hands running to hold his waist and hug him from the cold.

Jiang cheng's pink cheeks turned bright red making the Lan hungrier. 

After thinking about the other all day, he couldn't help but take a bite of the red fruit inn front of him. He gently bit it, earning a gasp from the other. 

"Xi-xichen, what are you doing?"

Rather than a reply, the Lan went lower, to his jaw, and took several bites. Jiang cheng tasted like a sour candy, even if it is sour, it's still addicting. The Lan leaned closer, bringing their bodies together. 

Jiang wasn't sure how to respond. It was not their first time doing such things, but that did not mean they could continue doing it. He opened his mouth to refuse the other when he felt a sudden pleasure run up his spine, subconsciously making a sweet high-pitched sound.

The two stood frozen in their spot. Jiang cheng blinked a few times before trying to push the other away when he felt something was not right. 

Before he could react, the Lan had already turned around.

"I only came to bring you food, I will take my leave now." The walked to the door faster when he felt, purple sparks coiling around him until it sharply turned him around.

"What are you hiding?" 

The Lan couldn't look at the other, so he kept avoiding eye contact. Jiang cheng walked closer to the other. He couldn't find anything odd until it suddenly hit him. He did not believe the Lan could do that until he looked down. 

The robes were pushed out, tracing the silhouette of something Jiang cheng would call is more than big.

Jiang cheng's mouth was left open. He really couldn't believe his eyes. All he did was make a strange ugly noise but to think that it was enough to break the Lan's self-control baffled him.

Zidian which was tightly wrapped around the Lan fell down, slowly baking up to its ring form.

The two stood silent for a long time until Jiang cheng's stomach grumbled. Jiang cheng was left to turn red while the Lan awkwardly took the tray in his hands and walked to the younger.

"Wanyin, have some food."

The other subconsciously nodded in a daze. His thoughts were a mess and his mind was not working to his will.

"You should have some too."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted living. But seeing Lan xichen lite up like a puppy, he couldn't help but smile. Reflecting him, The Lan gave out a wide smile as well. Unable to handle the other's beautiful smile.

"You look so pretty when you smile Wanyin."

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