19. A Plan

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He slowly approached them from behind, with a smile on his face. "A black thing?" he asked as if he was a part of the conversation. At first the disciples were startled but after recognizing the sect leader, their once up guard went down. After all what would the kind jade do?

Third Person POV

The disciples enthusiastically poured all their knowledge to the Jade who happily collected it. But to his disappointment, none of them knew what actually happened. They only knew about the monster. 

Once he collected all the information, he continued walking towards the entrance. It was a really lovely evening; the sky was filled with white clouds and the sun shone brightly. As he was walking the cool breeze made him feel fresh something he won't find in Gusu. He closed his eyes, feeling the wind as he walked. He slowly opened his eyes to see a beautiful man talking to someone. It felt so magical that he stopped moving just to look at the beauty in front of him.

But his body wanted to get closer that it started moving on its own. As the distance shortened the speed increased. Soon he found himself standing in front of the lotus. He finally blinked one last time which brought him back to reality. He greeted the lotus when he realized that he had already greeted him.

Jiang cheng, "Hui zhong, remember to do what I told you. You are excused now." The lotus turned towards the jade, "Yes sect leader Jiang." The disciple bowed before leaving. "May we leave sect leader Lan?"

Lan xichen felt hurt that they are back to calling each other formally again. But he understands, after all they are in public, and they have a public image as a sect leader that they must keep up. He smiled like he always did, "Of course."

They started walking towards the town. They both had a plan they wished to accomplish, though it might be wrong. Who cares about that now anyways, life is a lie. 

Lan xichen, "Sect leader Jiang, do you always come to the town to enjoy the festival?" the jade looked at the lotus, who looked like an exquisite jewel, waiting just so he could buy it. "No, I have to handle the sect, I don't have time for this."

Lan xichen, suddenly felt warmth flow through his vein. Does that mean, he is going to the festival just for him? because they are friends. Of course, this is what friends do. He nodded and they continued walking in silence, but they did not find it uncomfortable. It was better than trying to make a conversation.

Soon they entered the busy streets filled with families, friends, couples and kids running around. The streets were brightly lit by pink lanterns, representing spring. All the shops were filled by people even though it was the last day of the festival.

When the two sect leaders entered into the crowd, a young maiden bumped into the Lotus. She bowed an apology and was about to leave until she glanced at the man. She first screaked catching everyone's attention. But that soon turned to amusement, "Sect leader Jiang! I did not mean to bump into you. I am really sorry." She swiftly said.

The lotus tried to calm her down, "It's alright, it was my mistake as well. You should be careful next time." The once frightened girl shyly smiled and looked down, biting her lower lip. She started swaying her shoulders and looked up with wide eyes, blinking everyone into a daze. Almost everyone. Lan xichen, who knows her plan couldn't help but feel anger. "Sect leader Jiang~ this lowly life is Mei Hua. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her tiny hands clasped together, and she shyly smiled with her hands slightly covering her mouth.

Lan xichen was burning on the inside. But he did not realize it until jiang cheng turned to look at him. He at first couldn't understand, but before he could ask, one of the shopkeepers shouted, "Aiya Mei Hua, let our sect leader enjoy the festival." She huffed and bowed before leaving, soon all that could be heard was 'Sect leader Jiang, you should try this, you will never find this anywhere' and so on.

Jiang cheng sighed, it's going to be a long evening. "Let's go check them out." He got a nod and a wide smile as a reply. They started walking to every shop in the street. After a few minutes the lotus got annoyed, "Sect leader Lan, your hand." that's when the jade realized that he had been gripping onto his sleeves. He immediately let go and apologized.

They kept going from shop to shop, viewing everything. Lan xichen, "That looks really pretty, Wanyin." The jade picked up a silver hair pin which had a pale blue cloud shaped pattern and a fully bloomed pink lotus on top of it with some chains hanging down.

The shopkeeper light up like a lantern, "Of course, young master. You have a keen eye for treasure. This is a piece carved from the jade of Gusu itself. That pink lotus is one of the rarest jades you will ever find." Jiang cheng sighed, he opened his mouth to reject the jade's opinion but before he could even start the jade already paid the shopkeeper the required amount, perhaps more than required and pulled the lotus to the next shop.

By the time they were done, the sun was setting, and the people were crowding over the lake to light lanterns. The two sect leaders walked towards a secluded side of the lake with two lanterns in their hands. Jiang cheng had a lotus lantern while the jade had a pale blue lantern which had blue flowers painted on it. Though he was a little sad he couldn't find any cloud prints, he was happy he bought some things.

As they were heading towards the lake a small boy ran around with a lotus lantern in his hands. Just as he passed by the jade, he tripped and fell. But the jade immediately held him up, saving the boy's lotus lantern as well. The boy hugged the jade thanking him and giving him a sugar candy before running off to his mother.

The jade smiled, pleased with his actions and kept the candy inside his sleeves. He turned towards the lotus, but to his disappointment, his lantern was crushed. The lotus extended his right hand, which held the lantern. "You can have this; I'll go get another one." 

 But the jade refused, "It's alright, there's no need for that." The lotus still insisted, "How about we share this then?" the jaded smiled brightly and nodded his head liking the idea. "If you don't mind, of course." The two sect leaders continued on their way to the lake. "If I did, I wouldn't have proposed such an idea."

They soon stood in front of the lake which was shining pink and orange because of the sun. It was truly a sight to behold. "Now then, let's light it up." The jade agreed and they both casted a fire spell, one purple and other blue. The lantern lit brightly; they both picked it up together placing on the lake while kneeling down. Each making a wish. The jade who finished first, looked at the lotus whose eyes were closed. 

Under the pink sky the lotus looked magical. Both their ribbon's swaying with the wind. Soon the lotus opened his eyes to look at the jade who shone pink. Looking very mesmerizing, the Lan looked angelic with the pink rays hitting his face. 

Jiang cheng came back to reality when his hands were held by the jade who placed a pouch in his hands. "Huh?"

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