60. Apologize

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Jiang cheng was about to free his hands when drops of blood fell onto the ground. He lifted his hand and touch below his nose when he felt wet liquid. He lifted his head and looked at the Lan with widened eyes which were soon reflected in the other's eyes.

Third Person POV

Jiang cheng did not want to catch everyone's attention so he walked forward faster, shrugging away from the other. Soon the dark sky turned bright but his vision drew dark. It was minutes before he fell to the ground with a loud thud. His pale face contrasting the red blood near his mouth.

Wei wuxian was walking close to Lan wangji when he noticed the two in front of them had stopped moving. In seconds, one of the two fell to the ground startling him. He grabbed his husband's hand and rushed forward only to freeze on spot.

Wei wuxian was shocked to see his brother unconscious and bloodied. He stood there for a while with the second Jade calling his name.

His legs went numb, but his brain didn't. He sat down next to the older Lan who held the Jiang, checking his pulse while sharing his spiritual energy with him.

Jiang cheng opened his eyes and looked at the new surroundings. He was back at Lotus Pier, but it somehow felt different. He stood up and saw he was not in his room; it was someone else's room. The Pier was also very different. It was new and paler. But the rich scent of Lotus filled the space even through closed doors.

He looked around when he glanced at the bed where he laid. The moment his eyes landed on the bed; they grew wide. His face twisted in disgust leaving him speechless. He leaned down and removed the white cloth on the bed.

A maiden, words indescribable laid in peace. Her black locks against her delicate face. He choked out gibberish words which made the girl's long lashes move.

Jiang cheng was flabbergasted. The girl's eyes slowly futtered open revealing her round eyes. She slowly got up from bed, not even sparing him a glance.

"... you... w-ho are yo-u..."

It came out as a whisper, but she turned around immediately. The next moment, she was running towards him with a bright smile on her lively face. Jiang cheng's eyes grew even wider. But it all changed in an instant when she passed right through him.

He blinked the confusion off his face and turned around and saw two people hugging like there is no tomorrow. Jiang cheng did not want to interrupt them but he didn't have a choice. He walked closer to get a better look at them.

The man's face was buried deep in the girl's neck, hiding it from the Jiang. Jiang cheng walked even closer while the couple reluctantly withdrew from their hug. Before Jiang cheng could see his face, a powerful energy pulled him back, away from them, into a dark space.

Jiang cheng wasn't able to comprehend the situation when he sat up with a loud gasp.

Wei wuxian sat right in front of him, making an eye contact. It was so close Jiang cheng punched him by mistaken reflexes. He tried to reach forward to grab the other before he falls back but his wrist was held back by another hand.

He looked to the side and saw Lan xichen smiling at him. He was mesmerized for a moment when suddenly he heard a loud thud followed by clacking sounds. Jiang cheng whipped his head around and saw Wei wuxian leaning on Lan wangji, with their weapons on the ground.

Jiang cheng was disgusted at how close they were until he realized he too was in the same state. He pushed the Lan next to him and stood up, dusting his clothes.

"What are you doing? are you mad?" Jiang cheng walked away from them but Xichen called his name, making him stop in his tracks.

"Sect leader Jiang, the exit is this way."

Jiang cheng's face turned red in embarrassment. He rolled his eyes and walked back in the said direction. He could feel angered eyes on his back, cursing him to die. It was obviously from the second Jade.

The five made it back to the city right when the sun was up.

"Going in did not take as much time as coming out. Ahh, I'm so tired, Lan Zhan carry me."

Jiang cheng ignored the man and focused more on thanking Xichen for his help and fleeing away.

Jiang cheng was so close to leaving their sight of view when a loud voice called for him. He turned around and saw the second jade glaring at him. Jiang cheng had no other option but to return the glare back. The atmosphere turned dark in seconds.

The street they stood on was empty without life. Only the five stood. Jiang cheng stood right in front of the three, who he would rather avoid than live, majorly because of his short temper.


Everyone's eyes widen other than the two. Lan xichen was the first to react but he covered it quickly. Wei wuxian and Wen Ning were still stuck on spot.

How could one ask Jiang cheng, the Sandu Sheng Shou to apologize.

Jiang cheng was surprised at the question as well but he was not going to show it. He stood straight, with his firm shoulders. His eyes were sharply focusing on the brave Lan, and his hands trembled excitedly.

At such a situation, Jiang cheng would've thrown the person out of earth but this time he chose to stay calm. His open fingers closed into a tight fist.

The glaring battle lasted for a while and ended without a winner. Jiang cheng stepped forward. Each step echoing loudly. With each step, each heartbeat, each and every one feared what's to come forth. But the two did not refrain from showing their hatred.

Wei wuxian's hand around his husband's arm tightened, signaling him to stop. But the Lan did not listen. He was resolute on making the Jiang apologize to Wei wuxian.

Jiang cheng finally stopped in front of the couple. Wen Ning was ready to shield if the Jiang ever thought of unleashing Zidian.

Lan xichen stood near the Jiang, to stop him if something were to go wrong. While his brother was ready to draw his sword.

Jiang cheng could see everyone's reaction. It only made him laugh at how defensive they were. If only they knew.

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