Boy 3 : yes... Btw sister you're amazing...

Boy 1 : Yes!!! From where you've learnt this...!?

Y/n took a pause.. and then said...

Y/n : I've learnt it from my friend...(she said with a sad smile)

Boy 4 : Can he teach us...?

Y/n : No he doesn't live here.. Now please may I take the leave....

While saying this y/n made her way to bus stop...

When y/n was sitting inside the bus, a tear escaped from her eyes, those eyes were helding some pain and regret; She wiped that tear but the memories from the past was flashing inside her mind....everytime she remembers all those memories there is a sting of pain in her heart...
When they met first time....those memories are beautiful yet painful...


8 years ago

It was a lovely day y/n was coming back from her school.... She was super excited to download a game...this game was trending very much on social media... Everyone used to play that game... There was a wave of that game.... It was not just a game, it was a status.... Everyone wants to become a pro player in that game....

As soon as she came back home she went straight into the room in which computer was kept... She downloaded that game and started playing.....

In that game, there were two teams and many monsters... People are supposed to kill those monster and collect points and reach at the boss monster's palace and defeat him... In between they can also kill opposite team's member... In order to stop them... Once killed, it takes 5 mins to revive... Whichever team defeats the boss monster first, that team will win....

So y/n also entered in the battle... The problem was she don't know much about this game....
Y/n was playing the game.. she sees a guy's player so she decided to kill him.... She makes her player run and attack him.... But on the contrary, he attacks y/n's palyer and kills her... After 5 mins y/n again enters the game... But instead of killing monsters and collecting points she again attacks on his player... And same thing happened y/n's player got killed.... Again after 5 mins same thing happened... Y/n was trying to kill him but  ending up getting killed.... This thing happened untill the game ended... Y/n was so impressed from him... She wanted to become a player like him...

She decided to Play another chance...
This time that guy and y/n were in the same team.. in this game you can also chat with the members of your team.. y/n was excited to play with him but he left the game....

So y/n went on his profile and messaged him.... Yes in this game people can do this also... They can search a profile and message each other....
His profile name was Phoenix....

Y/n typed...

Y/n : Hii... Why did you leave the game ??

Phoenix : because I don't play with noobs like you.

Yup, he was like that... Straightforward and cold..

After that day, gradually they become friends, he taught her how to play the game. Their pairing was wonderful.... no one could beat them, when they were together....soon that friendship turned into love, they starting dating each other but that was a long distance relationship... even y/n haven't seen his face... But he've seen her face.... Whenever y/n ask him to reveal his face, he used to say "I'll but at the correct time."
They were so perfect for each other....He was cold from outside but soft and caring from inside.... And y/n knows that.... He needed love.. same with Y/n..they both loved each other...

It was the staring of Pheonix's and y/n's love story

A love story that didn't have a happy ending...

Virtual love that didn't complete...

Flashback ends

There is still regret that can be seen in her eyes..but what is it for ? She only had those memories of him with her...why can't she just move on ? No, she can't move on cause it's hard to just forget the one whom you loved whole heartedly...she loved him...he was her love...her first and true love...she wish to meet him once before she leave this evil world..just to ask "why ?". Misunderstandings are like cracks..if there are present then the thing gets weaker and weaker and at a point it breaks into pieces...just like their their relationship....

Y/n want to go back in the past and didn't let all those bad things happen to her....she hates her past..she suffered alot....but a pure soul like her didn't deserve all this but fate is something that make all the things turn upside down and no one can change it...There was a point where she just wants to end her life.. but she lived.. lived for her sister...she didn't want her sister to suffer like she did..she tried her best in upbringing her..she was her only guardian and she knew Y/n decided to become strong..just for her sister...she felt that responsibility and accepted it..and here she is....hiding all the pain inside her..never letting anyone that she is in pain, she is sad. She is strong indeed...


She looked at the clock and made a wish
"bring him back."

11:11 PM smiled and said
" I can't.."

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