Holding hands

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Ming pov:


A painful groan again reminded him.that whatever happened today was real but he is confused and felt like it was a dream. The best man he admired and wanted to be always there in his life, His longtime crush that he buried deep seemed to have grown in silence and now towered through his mind and heart leaving him with no chance to escape.

Yes no chance; ming had confirmed with his parents it seemed they have idea of connecting with pha's family to merge companies to continue the operation and grow their hardwork of two generations without loss because of their sons and their dreams.

Honestly it was good to be able to help pha and also my brother in law it seems he was he only one interested in business in both the families. But marriage with pha seems like illusion. He is Phana the great he is a moon that shines the most wherever he goes will I be able to accompany him? Will I be able to love him after all it's a crush that I never thought it would work or come true not to mention as kit said I had a fun life, compared to pha who is dedicated and waiting for his other half.

"Give it break, you'll eventually end up with the fox don't overthink" forth advised sitting beside him they were at his condo again for the department related meeting.

" But am I right for him? You know wayo has unrequited love for him for years, as a friend knowing all of that if I step up and have a relationship with p' ; am I not hurting him double by being unfaithful friend who snatched his love".

"Quit being dramatic if he can he would have done it long ago nothing would have stopped pha except for his dreams but he never wanted to take the step because of concerns wayo might say he love him but we all know it's more of fan following he never distinguished his feelings it may take time but he'll come around you better live for yourself not for others atleast once."

Like to hear but is it possible?

"Have a nice sleep and get a nice makeover tommorow, your king is here to chase you. Hey I have nice show to watch ming you better don't be an easy catch and fall right into that fox's hands otherwise I am done for with him" mark joked.

Next day at medical faculty

Pha pov:

"Beam stop staring at me. I am not going to say anything before I get ming to be mine you better wait and observe just as usual ".

" We will eventually get the gist of it in any one of gathering with forth. I am more interested to know how you were able to conceal it perfectly without me having doubt even the few times I had doubt you were able to divert me without any problem pha are you seriously planning to wait or give up "

"Give up ha..!" He was silent with mocking smile pasted on his face.

"What else am supposed to do ? Make my friend sad by snatching his chaser or make my ming sad when he is trying hard to change and live for someone. Neither was in my court of options beam you know better instead I would be the one to bury and try to forget the feeling as I am in problem because I failed to confess."

" But what if ming got kit? What if kit accepted ming? "

"What else do you think I applied for masters and preparing for it for a year I would leave till I get myself together and facing it beam nothing else"

"Pha this is stupid why would you do that you obviously like ming more than anyone you can do anything and everything for him why would you leave him to someone who could never understand his value and cherish him"

"Then let them get around with either arguing and improving or breaking up either way we can only give guidance not the one to control the strings beam. Just like how I watched you toss forth eventually coming around did I ever stand on either side and made any decision except for making it clear at extreme conditions no right same goes for ming and kit. If they like and love each other no one can do anything than to accept the way they are. You know thanit he was in a work where the boyfriend or relationship are not accepted that easily but still he never concealed mark you know why because one of Kongthanin family motives is to best at what you do and loyal to your other half with all heart. It was a meticulous work that we are used to and will always carry with ourselves "

"Stop diverting the topic with unnecessary details when you don't want to answer mr.campus moon to the point I want one more answer what about kit if you and ming are together? "

"What about him he can handle himself or else he needs to learn to grow "

"But we were with him always. Now you are choosing ming over him. I already have some issues with him because of engineering gang and forth."

" Let him be I know where he will reach and I will look out same goes for you I know just play along with him we will see his way and get him out of this mess."

"Yeah there seems to be no other way but will he really reach out to the person I am not having enough confidence over what you are saying though but still I will wait for him. By the way my project I completed it can you check it this evening I am having plan with forth you can just forward it to if there is mistake or just submit to professor on behalf of me."

" Good anyway I need to hand mine in I will send yours as well"


Engineering faculty:

" Why don't you join us forth it will be as usual fun and entertaining not to mention we are gathering after long time even juniors are present along with seniors and super seniors". Park was trying to pester

" Stop convincing me my wife will kill me if he knows"

"He is going to do it now even if you cancel the gathering" with that lam signalled to see behind me

'I am so dead I called him wife in the canteen he is definitely going to torture me for this oh god'

"Baby what are doing here I thought you had lab did you miss me so you are here"forth was trying to again butter him up.

"Of course I missed my wifey thank ms to you I can hear you calling me again wife behind my back forth see I am the one who is going to make you my bride instead of another groom on our wedding day".

"Heehee it doesn't matter baby as long as you marry me I can be your wife after all I am such a handsome you can never deny or push apart."

"Shameless my captain you are utterly shameless" park shouted from behind who cares as long as I have beam with me

"See who is talking my beloved senior who was standing and brooding at his boyfie room the whole night last week" mark said as munched on his food

"*Gasp* the whole night my goodness do you take a picture we can use it somewhere in future. "Forth echoed him

"Of course how can I miss chance to collect some money I have whole bunch of photos and videos at different angles and amazing expression packs comd let me show some samples "

"Mark let us make a deal don't show it to anyone you wanted to take some time off tommorow right I approve enjoy yourself well please forget about these pictures."

"Oh! It seems me and ming where incharge tommorow and for all I know you already finished you field duties and was supposed to assist p kongpop in graduation ceremony right." Forth reminded him cruelly.

"Then it seems I can have nice bargain this time how about some entertainment for seniors at graduation night" mark said following forth.

"Baby this world is malicious humans cannot survive see these monsters they are eating up people and their heart mercilessly " park complained to lam

"It seems nice the way compared to your over acting stop now you can toss him up don't worry forth will request a change on his days to meet beam let's have our chance of revenge soon" lam said

"Hell park is invincible with p'lam " mark said before escaping the place

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