"Stop your nonsense in there ! Otherwise you can be sure that I won't be eating your favourite lemon tart every night ! " she threatens, shouting at her belly

Would my absence have been so hard on her that she went crazy? I looked more closely at her belly and noticed something strange, it was well rounded, more than usual.

"Samira...?" I asked her at a loss.

With an amused smile, she took my hand and placed it on her belly, I was slightly startled when I felt some knocks against my palm. "Samira..what.. What's that? "I told her in fright as I got up to sit down.

She burst out laughing as she followed me to sit down, "My dear Hubby ! You don't remember the last night we spent together," she asked me teasingly

"Of course I do ! I'll never forget that moment, Samira? But what's that got to do with your stomach ? "I asked, half annoyed, half worried.

She looked at me again, laughing hardly "You really don't understand, do you ? she asks me

I nodded with a sulky grin, wondering why she wouldn't just tell me, I don't like riddles. I've never been strong, I always lost to Ameera.

"I'm sorry my children, your Abu is just slow on the uptake, fortunately your big brother, Rizwan, although he's very small, understood that you were in my belly from the start," she said, stroking her belly maternally.

My heart is beating fast, have I really understood what she's trying to tell me ? She takes my hand in hers and places it on her cheek, smiling radiantly at me, she announces "Esan, I'm PREGNANT ! " she says, unable to hide her joy.

MashaAllah, I don't know what else to say, I felt the tears escaping me, why despite everything she had, she continued to offer me the most amazing gifts in the world, first her love for me and Rizwan and now .... I don't have the words....

I pulled her against me, "Really, Samira?" I asked, unable to control my enthusiasm

She nodded in the affirmative. "Two weeks since they started moving in my belly, and almost five months since they've been secretly there, I found out a month ago that I was" she said suddenly shy

"I love you Samira, very much, you have no idea, you're already a wonderful mother to Rizwan, now you'll be a wonderful mother to our future children too" I tell her sincerely.

She wipes away my tears" Don't cry, otherwise I'll want to cry too and then you'll be angry about it," she tells me.

I automatically stop crying" The doctor says that everything was going well with your pregnancy, the babies and your health ? I ask her

"Alhamdoulillah, everything's fine, the babies are in great shape and I'm doing really well ! "she replies with a confident look.

I smile, "Do you already know what sex they are or not? "I asked her, trying to not sound overexcited like a little kid

Somewhere inside me, I wanted at least one girl, not that I have any preferences, but I already have Rizwan and I'd like to have a girl too.

"They're twins, Esan, a girl and a boy, very energetic" she exclaims.

"MashAllah" I whisper to her, hugging her tightly.

I was just about to kiss her again, I told you her lips were additive, when suddenly the knocking on my bedroom door stopped us.

I looked at Samira pleadingly so that she wouldn't go and open the door: "Stop sulking, it must be the others," she said as she moved away from me, adjusting her dupatta.

I let a grumble of frustration escape me, I wanted to stay with her alone again but the frustration disappeared very quickly when my little sister, excited as ever, came towards me with the other members of the family.

"Bhai!" she said, a little emotional.

I hugged him "I've missed you Ameera" I said sincerely, then my parents hugged me and Samira's parents.

Then last of all, Samira came forward with one of my favourite people in her arms, my son. He'd grown up a lot and was wiggling when he left Samira's arms to come into mine, I was getting emotional too, it was the first time he'd left Samira's arms on his own to come into mine.

He settled into my lap and I gave him an invigorating hug. "My baby, Rizwan, did you miss your dad? Did your abu miss you very, very much?" I asked him with a big smile.

"Ab... U abu..." he exclaims awkwardly.

"Rizwan" I exclaim in amazement.

I couldn't believe it, Rizwan knew how to call me. "Bhai, Rizwan has known how to pronounce Ammi and Abu for a month, Samira bhabi taught him, if you only knew how he used to cry when he called you but you didn't answer, now look how he smiles with his little teeth, she informed me, happy.

I also learned that Rizwan had taken his first steps not so long ago and I must admit I was saddened, I'd missed all those good moments with him when I'd always thought I'd be there. I felt Samira's comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know what you're thinking, and you haven't missed a thing, I've taken a video of every day with Rizwan to show you, so you don't miss a thing, and then you can always experience the good times with them too..." she said sympathetically.

"Thank you Samira, what would I do without you? "I really asked her, telling myself that without her I'd be lost.
She smiled and took Rizwan from my hands. A few minutes later, the doctor in charge of me came to check that everything was fine and that I could go home soon.


Everyone left later, leaving Samira and me in the room. She helped me get dressed after taking a hot bath.

"You're really going to catch a cold," she said as she cleaned my wet hair with a towel, although a drop fell onto her collarbone, which I was careful to clean with my mouth.

"Esan ! It's bedtime, stop acting so romantic" she said in a scolding tone.

With a sulky tone, I sat down on my bed and watched her move towards the sofa, I couldn't fall asleep. "Samira..." I called to her.

She ignored me and I called her back. "Yes ?" she asked me in a sleepy voice.

"You don't want to come and lie with me tonight, I promise I'll be good and go to sleep" I say innocently.

She gave me a suspicious look, and I shifted on my bed, patting the space I had for her. She sighed amusedly.

"Ya Allah what am I going to do with this man" she mumbled dramatically before making her way over to me and settling down on the bed.

I helped her to lie down, wrapping my arms around her and caressing her baby bump . I still couldn't believe it, My Samira was carrying our children. "Don't wake them up Esan, they're quiet" she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

I laughed as I saw her cute, tired face, and admired her magnificent facial features, softened even more by her peaceful sleep.

"I love you....... Esan" she stammers in her dreams

I was happy, I loved her too, My chubby nikkah girl, she was the one predestined for me from the start.

"I love you" I whisper lovingly to her before falling asleep too.

Yes... I was really happy with Samira, my wife.

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