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Heavy fortress walker


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In Naruto's library was a book of ancient magic, like a grimoire of dark arts. After learning that Naruto was a descendant of King Enoch, he wanted to learn the ancient art of chakra magic, which was more vast than ninjutsu or genjutsu. However, according to the grimoire, the magic of the post flood world was weak, a mere shadow of the pre flood world. Still, there were some revivals. The Uzumaki clan managed to revive the dark, forbidden magic of rune magic and blood magic.

Rune magic was the power to make written signs, symbols or words with magic to seal, trap, enslave, redirect and so much more. Blood magic was the power to control body functions and was most common with dark witches and necromancers. The Uzumaki had used them to make slaves of the Inuzuka and with rune magic's post flood version, sealing jutsus, they created the cage bird seal. Both types of magic were deemed dangerous and their use was outlawed in the pre flood world. The Uzumaki managed to revive a bit of that magic to some extent though it wasn't as strong as the pre flood ones.

Naruto had power hungry ideas. He wanted to rule everything and everyone. His Kotoamutsukami would make populations loyal to him but the downside was the ten day recharge. He knew, however, that a quality infantry force would be needed for now. He had plans to use the Hyuga clan's caged bird seal to gain control of the cadet branch. He already had the Inuzuka as his loyal minions and with blood magic, maybe a hybrid race completely loyal to him. Blood magic also had the power to fasten ages or slow them so that was a bonus.

He had been trying to get the seals in his favor but to no avail. He was also tired as he had been to Wave Country and Tea Country to secure deals and he used Kotoamutsukami to make the populations loyal to him. His thoughts were interrupted when Haku came to his room. ''Master, we found an intruder trying to break the seals.'' Haku told him.

'Now who would try to sneak inside?' Naruto mentally asked and left the room. 'Of course it's her.' Naruto thought and it was none other than Kushina Uzumaki. Naruto quietly flash stepped to her side and drew his sword. ''Now what are you doing here?'' Naruto asked, startling the Uzumaki.

'How did I not sense him?' Kushina asked and four of her loyal ANBU guards came to her side. Usually, she was guarded by sixteen at all times but most ANBU had to be sent to defend the borders now. ''Your eyes, swords and contract, give them to me now!'' Kushina demanded.

'Straight forward isn't she? At least she didn't bring up any bad excuses.' Naruto thought as two balas came and killed two ANBU. He jumped up and cut off the other two and trapped Kushina in a powerful genjutsu that disabled her. 'I know you're strong, Uzumaki, so that's why I'm not allowing you to weave even a single sign. Shame my Kotoamutsukami is still five days from fully recharging but I still have use for you.'

Naruto took out the seals he wanted to learn and forced Kushina to crack them. Finally, the Uzumaki completed it and he smirked. After that, he erased Kushina's memory of being here and had other plans to humiliate her. Just part of a long awaited revenge he had been wanting to inflict upon the woman.

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