Zion-"I cant do that"

Her mom-"let her go I wanna know what she gone do she ain't shit anyway"

Lani-"u gave birth to me u feel good about that u birthed somebody that wasn't shit thats your fault no wonder my father left u"

Her mom-"I know u didnt"

Lani-"I did"

Zion-"thats it no more u hear me"


Zion-"thank u can u sit here and chill out so I can get u some ice"

Lani-"yeah I should be fine"

He sat her on the steps kissed her nose and walked off her mom grabbed his shirt he pulled her off

Zion-"dont fucking touch me'

Her mom-"this is my house and I want u out"

Zion found the kitchen got her some ice and came back squatting down to her and lifted her head to him she let her tears fall

Her mom-"just a pussy ass bitch"

Zion-"yo can u stop"

Zion got up projecting his voice

Her mom-"no this is my house-"

Zion-"I never cared this is your daughter and u treating her like shit for what"

Lani-"im going to the car"

Zion-"go pack your clothes first"

Lani looked at him


Zion-"yes bye"

Lani ran to him and hugged him tight he kissed her head feeling her shaking then she let him go and ran upstairs

Zion-"crickets damn shame"

He went upstairs to her room she was pulling a suitcase from under her bed

Lani-*strains it's stu- whoop!"

It slid out making her roll a little he smiled she looked up

Lani-"I was prepared I just have to clear my drawers"

Zion-"ill help"

He helped her and carried her stuff downstairs

Her mom-"ion know how u-"

Zion-"yeah let's not u birthed her as far as I'm concerned your the pussy ass lil bitch'

Lani-"ooohhh buurrrnnn!!!"

Her mom-"I just know yo mama ugly"

Lani bussed out laughing zays phone started ringing


Y-"u ok"

Zion-"her mom called u ugly its taking all of my strength"

Zay-"shiiiddd we at da doe"

It echoed through the phones zay and yn came in

??-"ouu wassup ma"

Zion-"first 5 seconds and u lost your lil friend"

Zay-"nigga das mine try me if u want to"

Y-"aw my baby u ok sweet muffin'

Yn hugged Lani tight kissing her head

Lani-"yeah I'm ok zion got me"

Y-"thats good u pack your stuff"

Lani-"zion has it"

Y-"ok my love go with zion we can take care of this"

Zion-"or u can sit in the car while we take care of this"

Lani-"but I wanna watch"

Her mom-"why is all these people in my house"

??-"chill out they can stay a while especial-"

Zay-"u won't be staying any longer if u keep looking at my wife"

Lani-"biiittchhh and did"

Zay dapped Lani up

Her mom-"dont talk to him like that get out"

Y-"how u defending a nigga that don't even want u"

Lani-"thats what I said"

Y-"and what was that shit u was talking bout my son"

Yn slowly walked to her

Y-"and my baby girl"

Her mom-"I said your ugly and he's a bi-"

Yns fist flung accross her face she stood for a second then fell


Zay-"that was so fucking sex-"

Zion hit him

Zay-*clears throat I couldn't help myself

Yn turned around and walked off towards the door

Zay-"look back at it"

Yn flipped her hair and looked back at it


He ran after her zion and Lani laughed and left zay was hugging yn from behind

Zay-"but I'm just saying tho"

Y-*laughs thank u baby

Zay-"u member last week"

Y-"yes yes I do"

Zay-"u so sexy"


Zay-"what dammit u see we talking'

Zion-"u being freaky stop it"

Zay-"my wife I can be freaky if I want to"

Zion-"I don't wanna see that"

Zay-"u seen dis ass tho-"


Zay-"what if Lani looked"

They laughed zion put her stuff in the car zay and yn left zion and Lani got in the car


my random ideas 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora