Chapter Forty Two

Mulai dari awal

I knock on the window and Julius' pops his head out grinning at me.

"Hi Julius."

"Hey mami." He says with a wink tipping his chefs hat at me.

He got out three weeks ago and immediately sought Santiago out. He's out on parole and needed a job and since he didn't want to work for his parents, Santiago the ever caring big brother gave him a job.

Santiago joins us and pulls at Julius' ear making him cry out in pain.

"Julius unless you want me to deep fry you, you better never call her that again." Santiago demands.

"He's right, I love you kid but only my man can call me that." I insist.

"Fine, fine. I apologize." Julius cries out.

Santiago let's him go after one final tug.

"Accepted. What's happening, where are all your customers?" I ask Santiago.

"We are closed." He answers.

"Closed? But I wanted some enchiladas." Jada pouts.

Hannah's is a Mexican food truck but they also serve other things like coffee, burgers and fries for those who can't handle the spice.

"You'll get to eat." Santiago says with a smile.

"Huh?" Jada and I ask confused.

He doesn't reply, instead he disappears inside the food truck just as three cars pull up all familiar, Ben's truck, Diego's car and Tom's SUV.

"Why is everyone here?" Jada asks looking just as confused as I am.

"For Thanksgiving of course, Santiago texted us and told us to come." Tom replies as he walks up to us.

I get a kiss on the cheek while Jada gets one on the lips.

"Huh?" I ask even more confused.

Everyone joins us just as Santiago and Julius exit the truck and uncover a table laden with food that we had failed to notice. I gasp at the feast laid out complete with a turkey and different side dishes that has my mouth watering immediately.

"Happy Thanksgiving mami." Santiago whispers in my ear wrapping his around my waist giving me a back hug.

"You did all this for me?" I choke out.

"Yes and for our family and friends. It's our first Thanksgiving together and even though we are all working I thought I'd find a way to make sure that we spend it together." He replies kissing my neck.

And once again my man has outdone himself. I can't even begin to fathom the extent to which he's gone through to give me and my friends a happy Thanksgiving.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I whisper with teary eyes as I turn to face him.

Santiago smiles and wipes away the stray tears with his thumbs, kissing my forehead gently.

"Yes but it doesn't hurt to hear over and over again." He smirks at me.

I let him have his moment because he has earned it.

"I love you." I confess with my whole heart.

"Te amo mami." He replies kissing me.

"Muchas gracias mi rey." I express.

I've been trying to learn Spanish and so far I know only a few phrases but I am hoping to get better with time and more practice.

Santiago grins and kisses me. I melt into his arms but our moment is interrupted by an announcement from Tom.

MAMI ✔️ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang