Tired of debating if he should or shouldn't go over to her home and talk to her, he decided if he shot the basketball ten times in the net in a row he would go over to her home and talk things out.

Starting off with his first shot, he heard the 'swish' sound effect of the basketball when it made it into the white net; 1 done, 9 more to go.

Continuing to make every shot for the last three minutes, he had one last ball to shoot into the net and make it in order for him to win the challenge he held against hisself and go to Amiko's home.

Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding in, he shot the ball into the net. It made a 'swish' sound effect, indicating he made it into the net, also meaning he now had to own up to the bet and go pay Amiko a visit.

Basketball always did have a way of helping him.

Exiting the empty court, he got back in his car and sat in it for a minute or two as he tried to gain the courage to actually travel over there.

"The worst she can say is no." He thought to himself, although, that didn't lower his anxiety any better as he pulled off and made his way over to her house.

20 minutes later, Dayvon was standing on her porch with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He just couldn't bring himself to knock on the door even if he wanted to.

Amiko was up. He knew that for sure since he could hear the television in the living room playing one of her favorite movies—Princess and The Frog. It made him chuckle because she would watch it at night anytime she was having trouble sleeping. She must've been having trouble sleeping like he was.

Saying fuck it in his head, he pulled his right hand out his pocket and knocked on the door.

He heard the sound of the movie come to a stop and footsteps come closer to the door. Now his heart was really racing. He didn't even know what he was going to say to her.

The door to her home swung open, Amiko coming into view with a confused expression on her face. "What are you doing here?"

He didn't even hear the question she asked because he was too busy examining the clothing on her body. The gray biker shorts she had on hugged her thighs and possibly her ass, but he couldn't see that far. Her light pink tank top showed her mango-sized breasts without a bra, nipples pressing against the material of the shirt from how cold it was outside. Oh how he missed her.

The thing that caught his attention the most was the promise ring he gave her when he first asked her to be his girlfriend still on her finger. Now he had a little hope. She still wanted to be with him. Why else would she have it on unless she thought it was pretty, but it had meaning to it.

"Hello?" She waved her hand in his face, snapping him back into reality. "Did you hear what I just said? What are you doing here?"

"I—Uhm," He seemed at a loss for words. "Fuck. Get it together, Kross." He thought to himself. "Can we talk?" He finally asked.

"One second," She went back inside the house, closing the door in his face.

Coming back outside, she had a plush blanket wrapped around her body and Nike slides on her manicured feet.

There was an awkward silence as the two exchanged glances at one another. There were literal crickets, nothing but a breeze coming by instead of them speaking.

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